Chapter 8

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Matt's POV

I felt the sun hitting my face and I woke up. Wait.. Where am I. I looked around and I was outside laying on a picnic blanket with Jess right beside me. We must've fell asleep last night.

I got up and went inside to find my phone. I had at least 10 missed calls from the guys. I texted them all in a group chat saying that me and Nash crashed at Jess and Taty's.

I went back outside and the air was kind of cold I brought out some extra blankets and put them over Jess and Taty. I woke up Nash and we went inside to make breakfast. They must've went grocery shopping cause they had a lot of stuff. We decided to make pancakes with raspberries.

About 10 minutes later they walked in

"Morning ladies." Nash said

"Good morning." Taty replied with a. Sleepy voice

"What time did you guys wake up?" Jess asked

"About 20 minutes ago." I answered

"And we made pancakes." Nash chimed in.

We brought the food outside an just sat and ate and talked.

Jess's POV

I woke up next to Taty, outside. I woke her up and we thought back to what we did last night. We fell asleep I guess after we ate.

We went inside and the boys were making breakfast. It was so sweet.

We went to eat outside and it was beautiful day.

"What do you guys want to today?" I asked

"Ooh there's this really cool indoor water park!" Nash yelled

"Ya that sounds funn!" Taty said

"Ok we'll head back and get changed and we'll come back at around 2" Matt said sounding really excited.

"Ok prefect!"

We had about 2 hours to get ready. We cleaned the kitchen from breakfast and last nights food fight.

I went threw my room looking for a bathing suit and found my turquoise Victoria's Secret one, over that I just put on sweatpants and a hoodie.

Nash's POV

We got back to the hotel and all the guys were chilling in the room. They directed their attention to us and the looks they were giving were undescribable.

"Sounds like you guys had fun last night." Cam said

"Bro nothing happened." I replied

"Mhm whatever.. Let's just say they won't be shipping Cash anymore. It'll be Tash."

"We aren't even dating. I was going to ask her out but the rain ruined it yesterday."

"Oh yea that's cool blame Mother Nature." He said back jokingly. "I'm gonna help you plan the perfect date!"

I wasn't so sure about Cam helping me. I mean he has been single for quite a few years.

Me and Matt got ready and told the guys were we were going, but of course they wanted to come. I didn't say no but no matter what I was spending the day with Taty.

We were ready and we told them to meet us there. We walked over to their house and they were already outside.

Taty's POV

Ahh I was so excited for this afternoon. Last night was amazing. I think nash wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend... But the rain started and we started running. I hope he asks me soon. I mean we are leaving relatively soon to go back home.

We got ready as fast as we could but there was no point really. They were only coming at 2.

I wore my hot pink and orange bikini and over I just wore sweats and a sweater.

At around 1:50 we locked up and went to wait on the patio. About 5 minutes later we saw them walking up the driveway. We both ran over to them and gave them hugs. We flagged a cab ad told him to go to the water park.

When we got there and got inside my emotions went from super excited to kind of upset. All the guys were there. It's not like I didn't like them I just thought I'd be spending the day with Nash, but he'll probably want to go with them.

As we walked in Nash had his arm around me and whispered something in my ear

"We're ditching these losers ok?"

A smile took over my face and I looked up at him. He kissed my forehead and we went to get some chairs.

Jess's POV

We got to the water park and all the guys were there. I wasn't really mad I mean Matt has been spending a lot of time with me so I didn't think to much about it.

We wanted to go on all the slides and the first one we went on was really scary cause it was pitch black and it had A LOT of twists and turns. It was a two person ride, so of course, Matt went with me. I was really scared but the way we sat he was holding on to hands. I felt safe.

After we did about 10 slides it was 4. We wanted to leave at 6:30 and everyone was gonna come back to our house for dinner.

The rest of the day flew by and it was time for us to go. We all headed back to our place and before dinner we played a huge game of soccer. Matt was surprisingly really good at soccer, he must've played when he was a kid.

Me and Matt were on opposite teams and I had the ball I was running down trying to score. Matt was running at me trying to get the ball away but he tripped and pushed me. I fell and hit my nose on the ground.

"OWWW" I yelled

Everyone came running over and Taty screamed. She ran inside and brought out the first aid kit and Kleenex. My nose was bleeding.. A lot. Matt ran over to me and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Jess I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to push you. I'm so sorry" he said with a faint voice

"It's ok don't worry"

"Should we go to the hospital in case it's broken?" Taty asked

Cam replied and said "I doubt it is but I think It'd be a good idea"

I'll go get a cab! Nash yelled

We drove to the hospital. It was only me, Matt, Cameron and Jack G that came. Taty stayed home and started dinner.

The doctor came back in with his results and said everything was fine just that my nose was bruised and I should be carful. We drove back home and Matt looked really sad.

"Matt, it's ok! I'm fine" I said trying to reassure him.

He looked at me and I could see anger in his eyes. "No! It's not ok I screwed up again."

"No you didn't it was an accident." I kissed his cheek and gave him a hug.

When we got back to the house dinner was ready and there was this really long picnic table set up in the backyard.

We all ate and the night was great.

After dinner everyone went home except Matt.

"I don't want you getting hurt because of me again." He said

"Matt it's fine today was a total accident I forgive you."

I stood on my tipi toes and have him a really long hug when we pulled back we were looking right into each others eyes. He said goodnight, leaned in.. And kissed me.. On the lips.

It felt right, more than right. I really like Matt.


HEY so I changed the name Julia to Tatyana. Just so it's as confusing. She's the exact same person just the name changed because my friend really wanted to be with Nash. Sooo the next chapter will be up soon!

The End (Matt and Nash)Where stories live. Discover now