Chapter 15

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Taty's POV

Everything was black. I could hear everyone talking around me but I couldn't say anything back. My arm hurt and my head did too.

I remember coming home from go-carting and telling Nash to make some pizza while I showered really quick.

I remember walking upstairs and going into my room, walking into the bathroom and turning on the water. I left the bathroom to get some clothes, and then I heard a bang.

And that's all.

Jess's POV

"Nash what happned!!!!" I said almost yelling. There where tears running down my face.

"I don't know! I was down here putting pizza in the oven and I heard two huge bangs. One sounded like a gun and the other like someone fell. I ran upstairs and she was on the floor bleeding!"

"Did you call 911?" Matt asked from the kitchen


I could hear sirens from down the street. The paramedics came running in and got Taty into the ambulance and to the hospital.

We let the doctors take Taty and Nash went with them me and Matt took a cab so that there was more room in the ambulance.

We got to the hospital and Nash was in the waiting room. He saw us and ran over. We gave him reassuring hugs and tried comforting him as best as possible.

About 15 minutes later the doctor came out and we all stood up.

"I have some good news and some bad news" the doctor said

"What is it?" Nash asked desperately

"Well she suffered from a gunshot to the upper arm and the only reason she fell unconscious was because she fell and slammed her head on the table. Now, she is stable which is the good news but the bad news is that she may be unconscious for a while. Like a coma."

We were all speechless until I looked at the Doctor and said tank you. Nash was crying and so was I.

Nash's POV

It all happened so fast. I stayed right beside Taty all night with my hand on hers.

Who would want to hurt her.

The next morning the nurses came in to run more tests. I just sat there. I couldn't leave, I had to stay.

I was sitting with in Taty's room in the hospital when I felt my phone vibrating. I pulled it out and it was Hayes.

~phone call~

H: Heey bro what's up?

N: not much man what's up with you

H: flight just landed, am I taking a cab?

N: oh shit I completely forgot. No all the guys left except Cameron today. Uh I'll text you an address and go there.

H: alright, Nash, are you ok you seem weird.

N: don't worry I'll see you soon

H: okay peace

I completely forgot about Hayes coming. Last night before all the commotion Taty offered me Matt and Cam to stay with them.

I'm just praying she wakes up soon and didn't forget anything.

The doctor came in and told me to go home and get some rest, and that they'd call if anything happened.

Matt's POV

Well that was an interesting night. Who would ever try to hurt Taty? she's so sweet and did NOT deserve anything like this.

Me and Jess came home last night but Nash stayed. Taty and Jess offered to let me, Nash and and Cam stay till we all leave. We accepted.

It was me Jess and cam home in the morning and we made a nice breakfast in hopes that Nash would walk threw the door with Taty.

At about 10:30 there was a knock at the door. Jess was on the couch curled up so I went to answer it.


"HAYESS, what's up man?"

"Not much not much you?"

"Eh long story come on in. I'm guessing Nash told you to come here."

"Yea, where is he?"

I explained to Hayes what had happened. He seemed pretty relaxed. Probably cause he had no idea who we were talking about.

I introduced Hayes to Jess and he greeted cam.

About 20 min later the door opened. We all turned and Nash walked in. He closed the door behind him meaning Taty wasn't with him. His eyes were all puffy and his face was red.

We decided to just chill and watch movies till we heard anything.

About halfway threw the movie Nash spoke.

"This is stupid" he said

"Dude, common it's Ted it's hilarious" cam stated

"Not The fucking movie"

"Then what?" we asked

"This. Us. Were sitting here watching a movie while the person that shot my girlfriend is out living their life."

"Nash calm down we can't do anything we didn't see the person, the only one who maybe did is Taty and she's not awake. Just calm down and be patient." I said

"NO if it was Jess would you want to just sit around and not do shit?"

Just as he said that the phone rang. Jess got up and answered it. She said thank you hung up.

"Everyone up! Taty's awake!"

Nash's eye lit up and he practically ran out the door.

Taty's POV

I was aware of all my surroundings the whole time. I could feel Nash's touch his breaths when he was close. I just had no power to do anything.

The nurses came running in and had shocked expressions on their faces. I think I had woken up. I didn't feel different.

I was laying down when I looked over to the door and in the doorway... stood Nash. He had puffy eyes and a red face. We both started crying and he ran over and hugged me. It was the best feeling in the world.

"I thought I lost you." he said softly beside my ear.

"I'd never leave without a goodbye"

"I love you Taty"

"I love you too Nash"

And then.. We were kissing.

I heard a grunt and we both directed our attention to the door. Jess and I were starring at each other and we both broke down. She walked over and we nearly suffocated each other.

Cam came over and gave me a hug and I was introduced to Hayes.

To be honest I have no idea who could've done it. I had my back to the window. I think I just have to let it go and forget about it.


So that explains that. So a little recap. The girls have been in jersey for a week and a half and they have about another week left. Then the story will get a little more interesting. At least I hope it will.

160 reads!! that's amazing thank you so much. Keep voting and commenting. Love everyone reading this.

Twitter: _Espinossa_

The End (Matt and Nash)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant