Chapter 6

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Nash's POV

We all woke up around 7 and I texted Taty asking her if her and Jess wanted to go out for some breakfast. I got an istant reply saying they'd love to. I told her we'd pick them up at 8 and we'd go to iHop. I started getting ready and took a shower. I got dressed and styled my hair. I wasn't wearing anything fancy again just some khaki colored pants with my Cameron dallas tee.

Once we were all ready it was only 7:30 so we all just chilled and made some vines. Time flew by and I got a text from Taty asking were we were. I looked at the time and it was 8:05. We all ran down to the car and drove over.

Taty's POV

I got a text from Nash in the morning asking us if we wanted to go out for breakfast. I agreed and woke up Jess. she hopped out of bed surprisingly fast and went in the shower. When she got out she did her hair and today she curled it. I took a shower as well and straightened my hair. Today we picked out our own outfits. I was wearing these grey lulu lemon leggings with a blue hoodie and white converse and jess was wearing dark blue jeans with a white tank top a really cute brown leather jacket and brown keds.

It was 8:05 and Nash told me hed be here at 8 so I texted him.

"hey where are you guys?"

"oh shit! my bad well be right over!"

Matts POV

When we got over to their house they were waiting on the porch. They hopped up and ran over. Jess came and sat with me. We started talking and what felt like 30 seconds had been 10 minutes and we were there. We went inside and ordered our breakfast. Cam stood up and said Breakfast on me. Everyone cheered and thank him.

We all finished within an hour so we heaed back on the way back Taty asked if we all wanted to go back to their place and hangout till magcon. We all agreed.

While we were driving Jess had her hed on my shoulder and it felt really good kind of like old times.

Jess's POV

This morning was great we went for breakfast and I sat with Matt. Taty got everyone to come over so I was really excited. I had my head on Matt's shoulder and I had a huge smile on my face.

When we got to our place we all went inside and got everyone drinks.

We had about and hour or so to kill and we decied to play football in the backyard. Taty's grandma had a HUGE backyard and we played a full game of 5 on 6.

"you sure you can play. we get pretty in to it." Matt asked ina teasing voiced

"I have three older brothers.. i think can handle it." I laughed

we played a game and it was so much fun my team won 32-27

Matts POV

We headed back to our hotel to get ready for our last day. Then we had the next two weeks to hang out with the girls. It turned out that they were staying also.

I really liked Jess and I wasn't gonna deny it anmore. Back at her house when the game was over I ran up to her and picked her up and spun her around. It litteraly felt like we were the only people in the world.

We were all ready to go on and Jess and Taty showed up and I remember Nash giving them the family passes. Everyone gave them a hug and jess came over and gave me a big hug... bigger than everyone else got. They said goodluck and went out they were right in front. we went threw the afternoon all pumped the crowd was screaming. It was awesome.

This night didn't feel that long. when it was over we couldn't find the girls so I texted Jess.

"where are you guys?"

"we got trampled out so went back home so sorry we didn't stay :("

"its all good. you guys wanna chill tonight?"

"uh sure! can we go to the Shore??"

"yea sounds funn!"

"perfect text me after you guys eat. we're staying in to eat :)"

"okay see you soon <3333"

"Byee <33"

Ahhh she was perfect.

Jess's POV

After the event all the girls were crying and when I say crying I mean they were literally bawling their eyes out. It was kind of funny actually. The crowd of girls was so big we got pulled out and decided just to head home. Matt texted me asking what happened to us. I told him and we decied that we were gonna go to the Jersey Shore tonight.

We decided to make some dinner tonight instead of going out. We made pasta and garlic bread. We found food in the freezer. We ate and then just relaxed. I changed into my leggings and a hoodie and waited for them to text. About 10 minutes later Matt texted me.

"Heyy we're on our way. be there in 5"

"kk cant wait <3"

Taty's POV

Jess told me that we were going out tonight. I was so excited to spend more time with Nash!

When they got here it was just Matt and Nash who came I was surprised their whole gang didn't come.. Oh well I wasn't complaining.

We got a cab, cause Matt and Nash can't drive, and drove down. It was so nice out tonight.

Nash's POV

Ahh I'm so happy we got to come out tonight. Taty looked stunning as always and Jess and Matt were already hitting it off.

We started just walking along in the sand and we were just talking about ourselves. About our families and our lives outside of New Jersey.

Before I knew it I was holding Taty's hand and she wasn't planing on letting go. She was so cute.

Jess's POV

Matt is perfect. We were just walking and talking and the night was perfect. We were holding hands and I got to know him a lot better. I had forgotten a lot.

We sat on the pier looking at the stars and we saw a shooting star. I closed my eyes and made a wish. If this wish came true id be the happiest person in the world.

It had gotten really late and we all headed back to our house. We made hot chocolate and watched some tv. I was snuggled up in matts arms and I felt like a zoo was just unleashed in my stomach, but it felt right.

The boys left at 2:30 and me and Taty stayed up to talk. We passed out on the couch around 4 I think.

We didn't have anything tomorrow let alone the next two weeks. I was hopping we'd get to Hang out with the guys more.

Hey guys! How are you liking it? If I get 300 followers on twitter I'll post the next chapter tomorrow night : )

The End (Matt and Nash)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें