Chapter 11

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Nash's POV

Taty had went inside to get her phone and it had been 10 minutes. I went inside to look for her and I couldn't find her. I called her name and no answer. I went upstairs and from down the hall I heard heavy breathing and faint sniffles. I walked down and knocked on the door I heard the noises coming from. No one answered so I opened the door.

"Taty..." I saw her lying in bed curled up in a ball.

"Go away!" She snapped back.

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I have no idea what happened.

"Taty, what happened!"

"Just leave me alone."

I did what she said and went back outside to find Jess.

"Can you go talk to Taty? She's crying upstairs and won't talk to me." I asked

"Yea for sure. I'll be right back."

Jess's POV

Nash came outside with a weird look on his face. He told me Taty was crying. I ran upstairs and walked into her room.

"It's me" I said almost whispering.

She rolled over and we eyes were bloodshot and we face was wet with tears. I walked over and sat down on the bed next to her. She opened her phone as handed it to me. It was open to twitter and there was a picture of all the guys... And those girls.

It was a good photo I'll be honest but the caption was a little odd.

"Met my sunshine today. He told me he loved me and that I was beautiful. I love Nash"

I was there the whole time and Nash never said that. I looked at the replies and everyone was shipping Nasha. Taty's mentions were filled with hate about how Tash was over now it's Nasha.

"The worst part is that he didn't deny it anything. He re-tweeted it and replied with love you too, so glad I met you. I can't believe I thought we actually had something." She said between breaths.

"Taty, I don't believe that he actually meant it."

"Too late!"

She wiped her face with a cloth and cleaned up. She straightened out her clothes and walked out of the room. I followed her outside an Nash came running over.

Taty's POV

I really didn't want to talk to Nash. After seeing that I really don't believe he wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend.

I walked outside and walked over to the Jacks who where playing soccer and I asked if I could play.

I saw Nash go and talk to Jess I didn't want her to come get me so I made it look like I wasn't paying attention. I turned and me and the guys continued our game.

Nash's POV

"So what was wrong?!" I asked Jess impatiently

"I think you should check twitter." She replied

I had no idea what to expect. I opened twitter and I looked threw my mentions. I wasn't sure what I was looking at until I put the pieces together. Nasha. Natasha and Nash. I didn't think the entire fandom was gonna start shipping us, but there was also so much about the fact that Tash was over. I got really pissed and un-favourites, undid the retweet and unfollowed Natasha.

I walked over to Taty and asked her if we could talk. She was hesitant but she agreed. We started just walked around the house.

"I never said that I loved her at the amusement park." I said "and I never ever want Tash to be over!"

Taty didn't say anything she just had her head down. I stopped walking and grabbed her shoulders.

"Taty look at me."

Her sad eyes looked up at me.

"I love you. I don't want some bitch coming between us" I exclaimed, and before I could stop myself our lips connected. There were sparks flying everywhere and I wanted to keep this moment forever.

She looked at me directly in the eyes.

"You love me?" She said in a really soft voice.

"Yes! The day I saw you at magcon I wanted you to be mine.

"I did to." She admitted.

"So are we good?" I asked

"Yes!" she answered

Matt's POV

So I have literally no idea what just happened with Nash and Taty. One minute they're best friends next they aren't talking now they look more like a couple.

I asked Jess what happened and all she new was about the tweet. Not what happened afterwords.

It was getting pretty late and we all headed home. I have Jess a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

We were In the car and I was sitting with Nash.

"Bro what happened?" I asked

"The fucking bitch at the amusement park tweeted saying that I said I loved her, and that she loved me, I tweeted back back saying love you and glad I met you and the whole fandom started shipping us."

"Ah so I'm guessing Taty saw it and got upset.."

"Yup but were good now so it's fine"

We got back to the hotel and went to our rooms. We went to bed right away.

I had no idea what we were gonna do tomorrow or for the rest of the week, but on Sunday I wanted to take Jess to the spring carnival.

Jess's POV

Me and Taty stayed up talking about what happened with Nash she told me how they kissed and how much she liked him.

Me and Matt had a good night. We just sat and talked most of the time. I told him about my life after elementary and he told me his. We missed out on a lot.


Heey guys so sorry for not updating didn't have internet. This is sort of a short chapter. Something big is gonna happen so keep reading. Love everyone who reads and votes ❤️ follow ma twitter @ _Espinossa_

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