She needed her inhaler and it was going to drive me crazy, making me cover my face. I hated seeing this way more than I hated seeing Gordon's face.

With hyperventilating, she started crying again as the man put her down infront the judge to pick either me or Gordon. Mira couldn't even stand, instantly crumbling on the ground and bending forwards, hiding her face, letting out quick small sobs.

"Come on, darling. Come here my love." I heard Uncle Gordon say. I glared at him with all the hatred I could muster as he just smirked back at me. Upon hearing his voice, Mira shivered and held her head tightly, shaking it.

She let out a noise and at first I couldn't hear it but after she kept on repeating it, I realized that she was actually speaking. Mira was saying something. My Mira is speaking.

And she was saying my name.

"Yun," she cried "Yun! Yun!" She whispered on and on. She wasn't pronouncing the 'n' properly and was stressing on the 'u'. My heart beat became faster as I covered my mouth with my shaking hand, my eyes going blurry.  I found myself leaning at the wooden panel for assistance.

"Mira?" I said, in a quivering muffled voice. She suddenly froze and sat up, looking at me with water-sacked eyes and a red nose, her breath held.

"Y-y-yuuuuuun!" She scrambled up on her feet only to trip and fall, trying to stand again, walking to me with her arms open wide. There was a small step that she tripped on again, hitting her face against the ground but she just sat up, rubbed her nose and started walking again as her cries got louder, the fall obviously hurting.

That's it.

I got up and left the place I'm supposed to stand in and went to her. Mira burst into loud tears and stopped walking, raising her arms and closing her eyes. I picked her up instantly and hugged her tighter than I've ever hugged her before. She was so small, oh my God, so small and I never want to let go. I can feel her hugging me tightly back, crying out freely into my shoulder as she pulled on my jacket.

"Shh," I whispered, running a hand down her hair and kissing her head. I'm sorry Mira. I'm so sorry.

Mira said my name.

Mira said my name.

Just remembering it made my eyes water again. I really couldn't believe it.

"Well, we're gonna repeat it aren't we?" Uncle Gordon said oh so casually "He moved out of his spot. You said he wasn't supposed to."

When he spoke up, Mira tensed and tightened her grip on my clothes, screaming into my shoulder. I ripped the hearing aid off her ear and glared at him.

"I swear to God if you don't shut up, I'll be the one–"

"Enough." The judge interuppted.

"So, will we repeat?" Gordon asked but seemed visibly disappointed when he realized Mira was not panicking. That bastard probably doesn't even know she's deaf.

"Silence." The judge looked at him sharply. "Yun Roosevelt," he said my full name.

"Yes." I replied

"You moved out of your spot."

"Yes.." I looked down. If he tells me to put her down and go back to spot so that it's "fair", I don't think I'll be able to.


"She was having a panic attack."

"I noticed. Why do you think?"

I looked at Uncle Gordon "She's scared of him."

"She's scared of her own father?"


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