Chapter 7

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I saw P'Forth with my sister, Jas. She introduces him as her boyfriend. He looks handsome much better than P'Forth I know. He looks at me for a while and just smiles. When my sister mentioned my name Beam. He gets excited and asks me whether I attended swimming class at the swimming club. I nodded yes. He came closer to me and hugs me. He looks happy but I'm really shocked. My heart beat fast, I couldn't control it. My sister just stares at me and Forth. P'Forth whisper in ears that he misses a lot. It's quite a long hug create attention in the mall where we met. My sister informs P'Forth that everyone looking at us. He breaks the hug and my sister hold his arm. We all proceed to the coffee shop nearby. My mind becomes blank and just think about the words he mentions "he misses me". I couldn't reply that I miss him a lot. I have still been thinking about him. 

My sister asks how we know each other. I mention we met at our uncle's swimming club. When we talk about how we met I notice P'Forth's reaction changed. He looks sad and pale. My sister places the orders for all of us. She orders two green tea frappuccino and chocolate chip frappuccino for me. I still remember P'Forth don't like green tea flavor. I mention that to my sister. P'Forth look at me without blinking his eyes. She asks P'Forth to confirm that. He said he doesn't like green tea. My sister mention I know a lot of stuff about him she should learn from me. I only able to smile. The surrounding kinda awkward. P'Forth remain silent and I don't know what he is thinking. My sister walks over the counter to choose the cake for us. I use the chance to tell something that ruined me for long. 

Beam: P'Forth, don't be angry at what I'm going to tell you. 

Forth: Tell

Beam: P'Forth, it's about the gift you gave me last time.

Forth: Beam, I don't want to talk about it. 

Beam: But P, let me tell you what happens first. On way back home those bullies come back to take revenge. 

Forth: Bullies?

Beam: Yes, remember they push me into the pool and you hid them for their actions. 

Forth: How you know I hid them?

Beam: They told me that you hid them and they want to take revenge on me. I escape from them but I lost the gift you gave me. 

Forth: You lost them...

Beam: Yes P... I'm so sorry. I tried to call you but the number you gave my uncle is unreachable. 

Forth: Really... 

Beam: Yes... I'm sorry. 

Knowing that I lost the gift I think P'Forth will get angry but he didn't. He back to his happy and smiling mood. I feel happy to see him smiling but when my sister come closer to him or take care of him. I feel hurt but I'm happy for my sister she chooses a perfect guy like P'Forth. I back home and cry as much as I could. I called Kit and inform told him everything. 

* Present*

Kit: Beam, the guy you always talk about is P'Forth.

Beam: Yes...

Pha: How come I don't about this?

Kit: Because that time you yourself not normal. You just think about Yo and misses him since you couldn't meet him. 

Ming just smiles and Kit notices that. Pha asks Beam to continue his flashback but a servant rush towards Yo and mention Forth condition getting worst. All of them shocked. All of them run towards Forth's room. Yo, ask the servant to call the doctor with his mother's knowledge. Forth in his room sweating heavily but his eyes were closed. The room condition is cold but he is sweating heavily. His body shivers. Pha, Beam, and Kit examined his body for a while. They able to predict something but they wait for the doctor to come. The doctor comes and checks Forth's body. The doctor mention he is suffering from severe depression. He gives medicine to make Forth sleep. He told Yo to take care of Forth's problem. Beam, Pha, and Kit predicted it before. They know severe depression men can lead to suicide. Men's severe depression is worst then female. Yo gives medicine to Forth and ask him to sleep. Forth in the drowsy state couldn't see the presence of Beam and others. 

Pha: No, wonder P'Forth gets angry easily. 

Kit: It's just one of the symptoms. 

Yo: P'Beam, at least now you know my brother's condition. 

Beam tears fall from Beam's eyes. Kit hugs him and consoles him. Pha stands in middle he doesn't know who to console. Beam or Yo, both of them in the sad state. Ming approaches Yo and said everything will be. Ming continues we can't blame Beam for what is going on. It's not his mistake or Forth's mistake. I know everything from to start to end behalf of Forth but I want to know the story from your perception first.  Beam continue...


Since then P'Forth come to my house regularly even my sister not at home. He brings me out we spend so much time together. I felt having back P'Forth in my life. Pha, Kit and I get placement in medicine at the same university as P'Forth and P'Jas. P'Forth bring me shopping to buy things for the university. Our university life started. Pha is chosen as a moon for medical faculty. Since Forth is the campus moon he takes care of things there. Pha gets busy with the competition practice and P'Ming start flirting with Kit. I'm left alone, only P'Forth comes to a company me. Everything... everything was smooth until the competition day. The night after the moons competition the crew held a party for all moons and stars. Pha brings me and Kit along with him. P'Ming take Kit with him the moment we enter the pub. Pha and other celebrate his success. I only able to see P'Forth is drinking continuously not stop. I looked at my sister but she is busy dancing and enjoying rather than looking at P'Forth. I bring P'Forth back home with me... 

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