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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked to see an Unknown Number.

"Hello?" I say into the phone in my terrible morning voice.

"Hello, is this Hanna? Hanna Crowley?" I hear, and I sit up.

"Yes, this is Hanna," I reply.

"Hi, Hanna. My name is Carly, the manager of the baker's shop. I was wondering if you could call in today for your trial?" the lady answered.

My eyes flicker to the time. It was 9 in the morning.

"Um, sure. What time?" I ask.

"Nine thirty?" Carly asks hopefully.

"Sure. Be there soon," I answer, and quickly take a shower, get dressed and text Adara so that when she wakes up she knows where I am.

I walk quickly, because the little store isn't far from my apartment. I arrive on time, too, and end up greeting the manager at the door.

All day, I serve costumers. By lunchtime, Carly smiles at me widely. "You're employed! I'll text you your shifts staring next week."

"Oh! Thank you!" I smile.

"Your trial is over now, so you're free to go home," she replies, and I nod in response. I walk out of there, and back home.

"Did you get the job?" I hear when I enter the apartment.

"Yes!" I celebrate.

We squeal and jump up and down together.

"But bud," she says, and my mood drops.

A but is never good unless it's double T's.

"I have to go home soon. Blake is probably wondering if I left him," she says, and I laugh at her.

"You scared me!" I giggle, and she grabs her things.

"Bye bud!" she yells from the front door.

"Bye pal!" I yell back, jumping on the couch and turning on Netflix. Once I hear the door slam shut, I begin watching a movie.

In the middle of the movie, when I start to get hungry, I walk to the kitchen and begin raiding the fridge.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I see my phone light up, and expect it's Carly sending me my shifts, or Adara saying she already missed my ugly-ass.



This can't be.

I basically rip my phone from the charger and unlock it.

"Oh my god," I hear myself mutter out loud, as I read the messages.

Unknown Number

hey, Hanna. It's me, Joey. I'm so sorry about that stupid party when we ended with hooking up. I wish it ended on other terms... I'm messaging you right now because, well... I miss you. and I really want you back. i can't really convince you over a text, that's stupid. But please, if you can... text me back. I love you.

My heart melted reading the message. Joey wants me.

But is it true?

Or is he just a heartbreak? Like how it was in ninth grade?

I sigh, and close my eyes, taking deep breaths to stop me from crying. I need to make this decision, whether I like it or not.

Joey is toxic.

And I'm just starting to get my life back.

Sorry, wrong number.

I click send, closing my eyes in utter sadness.

Then I block his number.



smart move or not?

love y'all, I'm so glad to be back.

-Chloe xxx


A but is never good unless it's double T's ;) 

The Baker's Shop // SEQUEL TO 'The Coffee Shop'Where stories live. Discover now