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Metallic dresses, high-waisted shorts and a crop top, inappropriately cutout dresses, and even bikinis.

This is what I wear to parties, along with all the other girls that go.

I party to everything; people's birthdays I don't even know the names of, some girls and guys losing their virginity, drinking buddy parties, blackout parties where people have flashlights and get drunk with no lights on, even a Fourth of July pool party I celebrated wearing an American-styled bikini.

I even went to a party where you wear all white and someone sprays you with food colouring in water guns.

Even Adara and Blake think I'm crazy for partying so much. 

No job, barely enough money to live on, yet partying every night, having sex and waking up with massive headaches nothing can get rid of for you.

I woke up one morning and decided to not go partying. That was the worst day of my life. I was tired, and no alcohol made my system feel weird.

But good weird. 

It reminded me of how I should actually take care of myself every now and then. 

So for the past few weeks, I've only gone to one party per week. It's just easier that way.

And way more healthy for my body.

Every now and then I think of Joey, especially when I'm drinking. I miss him. A lot.

The fact that I think of him so much and fall for him every fucking day just reminds me of how much I truly love him.

Might even be true love itself.

If that's real.


Really short chapter, but you get the main point of it.

love y'all.

-Chloe xxx

The Baker's Shop // SEQUEL TO 'The Coffee Shop'Where stories live. Discover now