Pippin part 2

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This is the final part


Pippin's POV


I find myself on top of a table at the Green Dragon, The bar is empty and the early morning lights are peeking through the windows. "Oh dear" I whisper to myself "How many drinks did I have?" The bartender looks up from his work, " by the time you had past out, seven." he answers " oh dear, I'm going to go find Merry," I hop down from the table and exit the Green Dragon.

I knock on the door of the Brandybuck's, I rock back and forth on my feet until a familiar curly haired Hobbit answers the door. "Hello Merry," I say "Well hello Pip, quite a night eh?" Merry says with a chuckle and a smirk. "Well, I guess so... the problem is I can't remember a thing that went on last night," I say with a wince.

"Oh my dear friend, come, let me fill you in on that; quite a good story, come in, come in." Merry steps aside and I walk into the front entryway of his Hobbit Hole.

"Thank you, Merry, what did I do that was so interesting?" I say intrigued by the story that I experienced but don't remember. " Wow you really don't remember, do ya?"


We walk into the sitting room, " Well... YN came looking for you, I said you'd be at the Green Dragon... so the lass goes skipping off to the tavern." Merry says "Go on" I urge, " Well I began to grow curious of what YN was up to, so I went ahead and walked to the Dragon myself shortly after YN left," Merry pauses, 

"Pippin you look nervous, would you like some tea to calm your nerves." 

"Oh yes please," 

Merry stands up and walks into the other room to make tea.

"please continue while you prepare the tea," I say feeling like a child begging for a bedtime story, " Of course Pip... As I was saying, when I got to The Green Dragon you and YN are atop a table dancing; you were obviously a wee bit tipsy." My face blushes a shade of pink. 

"Oh is that it then, I just danced with my crush?" I say embarrassed that YN saw me like that.

"No my friend, I'm afraid that there's a bit more to the story than you dancing with YN."

"What else could I have done?" fear beginning to swell in the pit of my stomach.

"Pippin... you had your first kiss," Merry says a wide grin growing on his face, " No, no, no, no" I groan "I didn't?" "You did" Merry replies holding back laughter, " How did she react? where is she? is she okay? I have to go find her" I say running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm not very sure where she is, but she pushed you away from her and then ran away crying," Merry says setting a cup of tea down in front of me. " I've got to go, I will be back later... maybe," I say before running out of the door and down the path towards YN house.

Readers POV


I sit in my armchair near the fireplace sipping a cup of tea. Why do I have to feel so bad about this, why can't I just get over it like any normal Hobbit girl would? I hear a knock on the door, three quick wraps. reluctantly, I stand up and go answer the door to find Pippin. I inhale and then let my breath go with a sigh, " Yes Pippin?" I say, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.

"I am really sorry about what happened last night... I was just being the stupid and reckless young hobbit that I am, and now I bet that my crush hates me..." he trails off on the last part, 

"You have a crush on me?" 

"I really do, but I probably blew that for myself; you probably hate me now... don't you?" Pippin says looking down at his feet. " I am mad at you, yes, But I wouldn't say that I hate you, and I just might be willing to forgive you," I say as a smile creeps onto my lips, I watch as Pippin's eyes light, " You would, you would really be able to forgive me." He says jumping up and down, like a small child who has just received a cookie. 

"of course," I say with a giggle, I reach up and give Pippin a peck on the cheek, Pippin's face turns a shade of pink. " besides I can't stay mad at my crush since we were five."

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