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"YN, I'm not so sure about this" Frodo says standing at the edge of the lake " it's unnatural for a Hobbit to swim" "oh come on Frodo, it could possibly save your life one day" I say as I signal him to for him to follow me in, but his feet stay firmly planted in the muddy river bank which cause me to go back.
"My days of leaving the shower are long since over." Frodo says with a chuckle, it had been three years since him and the others have returned to Hobbiton. "Well then come do it for the enjoyment swimming is fun. " I say taking his hand wading into the water pulling Frodo with me.
"It's almost like running up stairs, and-" Frodo cuts me off, "-and those stairs are on fire" he says sarcastically, I lightly nudge his shoulder with my hand and a smile tugs at the corners of Frodo's lips, and on mine as well until we both break out into Laughter." As I was saying... Just kick your feet to keep yourself up, try it"
" Frodo proceeds to do as I say, only being able to hold himself up for a few second that is. I watch as his mop of curly dark hair slips under the water and out of sight. I giggle to myself as I reach under the water and pull him back above the surface.
Frodo has a different variety of frightened expressions dancing across his face as he tries to regain his breath, he coughs and sputters; his once cork screw hair is now flattened against his forehead, "Can we continue this lesson later, perhaps...maybe...possibly?" Frodo asks fearful of offending me, "Yes of course, I'm starving anyways." I say planting a kiss on his cheek. "Let's go" I say as I make my way back to the mudbank where we started our "lesson" of sorts.
We walk back to Bag-end, just as I step inside the door Frodo speaks out "oh I forgot my-" Frodo face flushes a shade of pink "- I'll be right back " he says before running off in the direction we had just come from.
I shrug the moment off, and walk inside to change my clothes into something more fitted to my likings. I walk into my and Frodo's room and open my drawer, I put on a pair of dark brown pants that just barely reach my shins; and a white button up shirt. This outfit would be considered rather strange for a young lass to be wearing, but what would it really matter the Baggins' have already been labeled as the "odd" ones ever since Bilbo left on his so called "adventure", he has been labeled as the Hobbit who cracked. Besides I don't plan an on leaving the house again today considering the fact that it's late afternoon.
About 30 minutes later I hear the front door swing open " Frodo is that you?" I call out when Frodo bursts into the kitchen, his eyes are fitted with a look of fear and his face wears an anxious expression, "are you alright?" I ask
" YN, Sam's daughter Juniper ( I have no idea if Sam had a daughter named Juniper ) and none of them can reach her, she's too far out!" Frodo says in as exasperated burst, but before he can do anything else I am out the door and running down the road back towards the lake.
When I get to the lake Sam is wading out in the water yelling things to hid daughter, and Rosy is standing off the the side keeping two other young hobbits from running out into the water. I run out into the water slashing water everywhere, I slip under the surface of the water, making my way to Juniper as fast as I can.
Just before I reach her she disappears under he water and now I can't see where she's gone, I dive down after her, blindly searching for her until my hand comes in contact with her. I grab her and pull Juniper and myself back to the surface for that precious air ( see what I did there ) I swim back towards the river bank, but just before I get there sam sweeps Juniper away from me, " you're safe now, my darling, you're safe now." He coos to the shaken and crying young hobbit.
Sam helps me up and pulls me into a one armed hug "Thank you so much miss YN, thank you so much." Sam says giving me a kiss of gratitude on the cheek, causing me to blush pink. I'm about to answer when Frodo arrives to the scene and Sam reaches out his gratitude further more. "You are one lucky Hobbit Mr. Frodo, YN is one fine gal.

Idk about this one I wrote it while waiting for my dad to pick me up from swim team

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