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" Kili Durin! let me out this instant." I yell as I try to push past the young dwarf prince, he has pulled me away from the ball and locked me in a closet with him. "YN, I really need to speak with you," he says trying to calm me down. "Fine, what do you want," I say annoyed at the fact that he could have just asked to speak with me in private other than physically pulling me away.

"YN, this is really uncle says it's time for me to choose a bride... I-I'm not ready to just marry, and he says if I don't get serious about his he will choose a wife for me." Kili says looking down at his feet, the thought of my best friend and crush, forced to marry a complete stranger.

"Oh, Kili..." I begin but he cuts me off, "You see YN, there's only one lass that I would ever want to spend the rest of my days with." He says his face blushing a shade of pink. " And who is that?" I ask immediately growing envious of 

the girl that he speaks of, but then all of my jealousy is washed away by Kili planting a small kiss on my lips.

"YN, can I court you?"



sorry that was super shout, but oh well 

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