"Of course!"  Wendy exclaimed, determined.  "Whatever you need!"

"Let's go,"  Erza replied, looking back at Natsu as everyone began progressing forward.  "Natsu, do you need help carrying her?"

Natsu shook his head silently, his eyes shadowed.


Lucy opened her eyes, which were heavy and crusted.  She felt sore all over, and with the memories of the mission returning, she sighed in defeat.  When they had been fighting the golem, she had been used as a distraction.  Natsu had, oddly, been severely against the plan, but Lucy had excepted feeling the need to not be the weak link of the team.  It hadn't ended well, however, when there was a slip up in the plan and she hadn't been able to retreat in time.  She had been caught in the miss fire and had to fight, but the sudden burial under mounds of stone had caught her off short.  All of them must have made it out alright, however, is she was alive and well.

Looking around the room, Lucy realized she was in the hospital of Fairy Tail, back in the guild.  She felt bandages wrapped around her head, on her cheek, and on her stomach and thighs.  However, she noticed her right arm was within a makeshift sling, wrapped in a cast.

Did I break my arm?  Lucy wondered, her mind flashing back to the time the showers of boulders had rained down on her.

She was lucky she hadn't been squished, since the rocks hadn't fit right and had created a small space between them which Lucy managed to be in.  She remembered her arm being pinned wrong, however, and the noise it had made caused a shiver to run down her spine in present time.  She wondered if everyone else was okay; hopefully her accident was the only one.  No one was in the infirmary with her, and the normal ruckus of Fairy Tail was transpiring out in the main hall.  So if they were so cheery, then everyone must've been alright.

With that thought, Lucy went back to sleep, thankful for her friends safety and scolding herself for not being more prepared.

When Lucy awoke once more, she could tell a day had went by.  It was dark when she had first awoken, but now it was light and the noise of morning rang through the air.  Yet, Lucy kept her eyes closed for some reason, because she felt a heavy pressure on the side of the bed; something she could only guess as someone else.  Peaking, Lucy opened her eyes fully in surprise to see Natsu lying there, asleep.  Happy was there as well, laying at the foot of her bed.  Lucy blushed slightly, seeing Natsu hanging onto her hand in his sleep.

She flinched, however, when she saw tear stains on Natsu's cheeks.


"Good morning, Lucy!"

Lucy was back in her home, to her surprise.  She had fallen asleep after brushing the stains from Natsu's face, brushing his bangs out of his eyes, and seeing he was bandaged up as well.  Glad that he had been alright, Lucy had fallen back asleep after that.

Now, she was home.

Happy was the one who had spoken, and she blinked a few times to get rid of the tiredness.  However, she then realized that if Happy was here, then a certain pink-haired mage would be as well.

"Luce!  You're finally awake!"

Lucy sat up, turning her eyes to Natsu who was walking towards her happily with his bright onyx eyes.  Lucy smiled, happy to see him, just like she secretly was everyday.  He was bandaged around his head, a few wrappings around his feet and upper arms.  Other than that, he looked intact.

Fairy Tail: In Your Heart ♥ (NaLu One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now