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"211....211...211..." I murmured, looking down at my paper. Why was the school so BIG?! The middle school that I came from was MUCH smaller. I mean, that was to be expected since I had come from a college preparatory school. After all, I only had about fifty people in my grade. Unfortunately, I was so distracted in trying to find my first class that I ran into a wall. Worse (maybe?), it was actually a person. Even worse, it was Laurance, the guy my sister JUST told me to avoid. My paper dropped from my hands as I fell, but he managed to grab my arms before I hit the floor.

"Woah! Are you okay?" He help me stand up as he spoke.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Thanks. Sorry about that, I was just trying to find my class and got-" I only then noticed the two girls that he had previously been speaking to. They were giving me a dirty look, probably because I was distracting PDH's favorite "it" boy from them. "preoccupied."

"No, you're so good! Afterall, it's not everyday that I get to hold a beautiful girl in my arms." He gave me a smirk as the two girls looked at each other. Noticing them, I let go and took a step back to pick up my paper. "Oh, where are my manners? Leona, these gorgeous women here are Alex and Lily. Ladies, this is Leona, Katelyn's sister."

The girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes, presumably Lily seemed to scan me while the Native American girl with the long black hair and black eyes, Alex, spoke to me. "Katelyn's sister, huh?"

"Um, yeah. Sorry to cut this conversation short, but I really have to find my first class and Katelyn actually abandoned me because she said that losing my way is 'apart of the freshman experience' or something. Anyways, it was nice to meet-"

"Lost your way?" He grabbed my schedule from me and looked at it. "Mr.Max, huh? As a freshman? You must be pretty smart to be taking a calculus class. It's just that way." He pointed at a door at the end of the hall. "Catch you later." He winked again and turned back to Alex and Lily, who looked much happier now that his attention was back on them.

"Thanks." I quickly made my way over to the classroom and took a seat at the back of the class. I took a book from my bag and started to read, but I was quickly interrupted by a shadow passing over my pages. I looked up and saw the blonde boy from earlier smiling down at me.

"Hey! Leona, was it? Is it okay is I sit here?"

I put my book away. "Hi, Garroth! Yeah, totally! I didn't know you were in this class, too?"

"To be fair, you didn't ask, but yeah. I'm in mostly AP classes. What's surprising is that you're in this class, though. Aren't you a freshman?"

I chuckled a little bit. "Yeah. I went to a special middle school. I went to public until my teachers convinced my dad that I was 'special'. The adoption agency had never wanted to spend the money on special schooling, though, so it was a bit later before I was put into that kinda school system."

"Wait, you're adopted? Really?"

"Yeah. I don't know if you noticed, but I look nothing like my sister." I laughed.

"I'm going to be so honest with you, I didn't really notice. Even if I did, I would have probably just assumed that you just look like your mother. That wasn't that long ago though, do you still remember your time, there?"

"Umm, I mean-" Saved by Mr.Max! He walked in and called our attention to the front, but my eyes drifted to the window next to the hallway when I saw something moving. The girl that Garroth had caught by the fountains from earlier slumped against the lockers and slid to the floor, crying. I understood how she felt, but before I could ask to use the restroom to go outside and check on her, Laurance walked up to her. Although I couldn't hear what they were saying, I could tell he was helping her out, because she stopped crying and began to look relieved. She smiled and blushed as he pointed at a classroom down the hall and walked away, probably because he said some flattering bullshit to her. 

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front of the room. I didn't know him, nor did I really care to, but something about that scene pinched my heart. Why the hell did it bother me? It wasn't jealousy. I wouldn't let it be. It was probably nothing, though. The important thing that I needed to do this year was do well academically and get noticed on the soccer team, I reminded myself. That would be the way to pay for college, and nothing would stop me from that goal. I opened my textbook. Absolutely nothing.

Thanks for reading! Another reminder that not everything will be 100% accurate, but I will make it as accurate as I can!

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