Chapter 20

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"Your dead boyfriend is persistent." Chase scowled as the phone began to buzz in his back pocket, his fingers fumbling at the mobile.

"Shall I answer?" He asked in a sigh, looking to me for a nod of some sort. When he received nothing, he simply shrugged and answered the phone, putting it up to his ear.

"Gemini? Gemini where are you?" Harry's frantic voice sounded through the phone. I could easily understand what Harry was saying, the audio loud enough for me to hear through the empty and soundless atmosphere.

"You know, in the 21st century, it's quite rude not to greet someone formally before you begin to interrogate them. Perhaps living in the shadows alone for a few good centuries will make you forget." Chase sighed humorously, making me sick to the stomach.

The line was quiet; not a word was spoken as Chase waited.

"Well?" He asked. "Don't I get a hello? Don't you miss your little roommate?"

My eyebrows were pulled together as his wicked grin turned into a sadistic smile, gleaming brightly under the dimmed lightly.

"Let her go now." I heard Harry speak calmly on the other line.

You knew he was furious when he was dead quiet, composed on the outside yet fuming on the inside.

"Yeah, well you see," Chase began, moving closer towards me until he was directly in front, our eyes locked in a heavy stare. "I plan on keeping her, and dragging her down to hell with me." He smiled, watching the instant terror cloud my blue orbs.

"She'd be a mighty fine slave, with her raven hair and tainted innocence. Perfect addition to the fiery depths of hell." Chase chuckled, his finger pushing black strands of hair away from my face.

"You as much as touch her -"

"What? What will you do Harry? You can't do anything. She can't scream your name, instead she'll be screaming my name soon." He cackled crudely, making my eyes turn to a heated glare instantly.

"I will find you." Harry warned darkly. "That's a promise."

"Good! That means you can watch me take Gemini to hell." He smiled gleefully. "Now until then, I think I'll give Gemini a little glimpse of what her new home will be like. Ta."

The line went dead, but what was surprising was that Harry hung up first. Chase was left bemused as he slowly led the phone from his ear and back into the secure spot of his pocket.

"Now, where were we?"

You're not Chase. I blurted out in my thoughts. You're the demon that consumed Harry.

"Finally!" Chase cheered, clapping as he stepped away from me. He turned around, his eyes darkening slightly as his smile dropped. "You're right. Chase is long gone, sweetheart. It's Kaleb now."

How? I inquired urgently.

"Well, do you remember when he went to drop you off at your house, but decided to come in for a bit?" Kaleb began.

I nodded quickly, urging him with my blue eyes to go on.

"Touching that doorknob to the basement gave me the perfect opportunity to jump into him! Harry was dead already and there was no fun in staying dormant for centuries, so I chose Chase, someone whose mentally and emotionally weak because of you."


I felt like a bus hit me. Why would he become emotionally and mentally unstable?

"You know why silly." Chase laughed. "It's because you denied him! He thought he fell in love with you, but you completely knocked him down, causing him to loose faith and strength in himself. You broke him, basically, giving me an easy gateway into his helpless body. You must be one hell of a heartbreaker Gemini." He chuckled as his eyes fell onto my trembling form.

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