Chapter 15

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“Harry.” I choked out, my body stilling from the amount of fear and stress clouding my mind. He stood their motionless, his face full of concern, worry and… was that regret I see? His eyes looked over my shoulder, as if he were unable to look me dead set in the eye.

I didn’t want him to either. I felt if he did, I’d get frightened and see those red eyes again. 

“Gemini, I-“ He breathily broke off before turning his gaze to the ground, avoiding mine completely. I watched on as he shifted uncomfortably on one foot, his hands delving into the pockets of his dress pants.

“I can’t believe what I did.” I could barely hear his murmur. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion as he finally raised his head to peer at me, his eyes so intense. I took a few steps back, which resulted in Harry stepping forward as I looked at his orbs.

They were red.

But what threw me off guard was the fact that his eyes were not red in the context of angry Harry, not in the ways of demon Harry, but in the format of emotional Harry.

His eyes were red for crying. 

I couldn’t find the words to speak as his continued talking, his eyes drinking me in as I saw droplets of tears pelt down his lifeless cheeks. 

“I can’t believe I let him control me, let him near you. I try to protect you from everything, from everyone else and then I go and do that. How can I protect you when I can’t even protect you from myself?” He whimpered, his voice no long gruff or low. The tears and quiet sobs interrupted his voice as he spoke, and it left me absolutely speechless.

Harry Styles, a mass murderer, a powerful spirit who literally has a demon taking refuge inside him, was crying.

He fell to his knees as he put his head in his heads, his sobs and my heavy breathing the only sound throughout the entire house. Harry mumbled a few words that I couldn’t quite catch as he held his face in his large hands. 

“What?” I hesitantly spoke; I was even surprised I got it out loud enough for him.

I gasped when he was up in a flash and closing the remaining spaces between us. His breath fanned over my face, his cries quieting down as he looked into my panic-stricken eyes. He extended a finger and began to softly caress my cheek that left visible Goosebumps afterwards. 

“I said,” He began, shutting his eyes in the process. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He began to repeat, like it was a mantra and he was trying to permanently screw it into my mind.

Harry broke down into uncontrollable cries, his body falling and going limp as I caught him. Bringing him softly to the ground in my hold, his fingers began fumbling at my clothes and skin as if trying to convince himself that I was actually here.

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled into my chest as I held him close, my arms unintentionally closing in around his shaking form. 

“I-it’s okay.” I sighed, rubbing his back as he cried, his tears dampening my shirt. 

“Don’t leave me, I need you. Don’t go.”

“Shh, I’m here now.” I comforted, my fingers twisted in his curls as I subconsciously drew him closer to me. I knew that the normal person would never comfort someone who tried to kill them let alone someone who was dead, but there was something inside me that ignited when I saw him break down into tears.

He just doesn’t do that. Harry doesn’t break down; he rarely even shows any sign of emotion besides anger and lust. 

So to see him like this, to see him so vulnerable made me forgive him and almost, almost forget the previous events that played out here. Call me crazy – I wouldn’t care. I know it’s not normal. I’m not normal.

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