Chapter 17

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It's been a week since our confrontation with Amelia. Ever since that day, Harry had been a little off, and I rarely ever saw him, only when he exited the depths of his basement to speak with Louis.

I noticed he was visibly tense ever since she barged in, and I was getting agitated at his attempts to avoid me. At first, I felt a little hurt and abandoned but now I was pissed.

I sat at the dinner table eating barbeque pringles when the door to the basement burst open. I sat up straight when I heard Harry's husky low voice yell something out loudly.


"He left. He went to check on Deanah." I huffed, watching his eyes fall on me. His mouth was set in a hard line, his jaw clenching hard as if he were contemplating something.

He began walking along the room, his eyes roaming around the house.

"Where's Florence?"

"Gone with Louis." I replied bitterly, the change in my voice making Harry stop to peer down at me.

"If I were you, I'd change the tone of my voice." He warned calmly, his dark eyes penetrating mine.

"Well you're not me, are you?" I seethed, standing to make the chair screech against the wooden floorboards.

"Watch how you talk to me Gemini." Harry murmured calmly, though his eyes were speaking out of rage.

"Speaking of conversing, why aren't you even talking to me?" I folded my arms across my chest, my expression annoyed and angered while Harry looked solemn and grim.

When he didn't answer, I began to speak louder, trying to get my point across.

"Ever since Amelia came you haven't spoken a word to me, you haven't even looked at me, and you haven't even touched me!"

Harry's eyebrows raised in a suggestive form as a harsh smirk rose on his lips. I was about to question his sudden change in demeanor when he spoke.

"So that's what you want. You want me to touch you don't you." His raspy voice sounded in recognition.

"What? No Harry I want to talk." I said sternly as I backed away, his legs moving towards me in a strolling manner.

"Really? Is that what you want?" He inquired darkly, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

"Stop-" I let out a choked gasp when Harry flung himself at me, pinning my arms above my head against the wall, his hips moving at a teasing pace against my crotch.

"Hm? Do you really just want to talk? Or make other noises..." He purred into my ear, getting me angry. I pushed harshly against him, feeling the cold sensations burst through me like wildfire.

"Let me go Harry!" I hissed pushing against his chest as he kept his hips locked in place, his fingers tightening around my wrist. "I want to talk." I began growling when he only smirked down at my writhing state, struggling to get out of his sharp and controlling grasp.

"Let. Me. Go." I said calmly before pushing and fighting against him, making Harry laugh.

"You're so cute when you writhe like that, but I like you writhing underneath me, on the floor." He hummed with a chuckle. I felt as though steam were erupting from my ears, seeing how Harry could ignore me so easily.

"Am I just an object you?" I yelled, giving all my energy in trying to get out of his domineering hold. His smirk only grew bigger, and that's when I spat at him, seeing that there was nothing else I could use in defense.

Harry took his hand away from my wrist to wipe the spit from his eye, and I took it as the perfect opportunity to lay a punch on him. His head turned to the left sharply, my heartbeat going at a rapid pace.

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