Chapter 4 - Loving you is torcher.

Start from the beginning

     I knew instantly what was coming. I felt a lump rise up in my throat and waited for the tears to flow, but they didn’t, until Draco asked the question and I felt the bruise heat up on my face. “Hermione I was wondering if you would tell me what’s wrong because you seem so distant from the rest of us and so upset.” I had sensed it coming.  Before I could stop myself I was telling Draco everything that had happened between me and Ron. “Me and Ron had a fight,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. My voice started cracking but I carried on. “We had a fight about me not getting a chance to see him and he said it was because I have been spending all my time with you. It’s not true! I have been busy with school work! I have got a lot of duties to carry out! He just doesn’t understand. Does he?” I started sobbing and this time I couldn’t face it, I couldn’t stop it, I just let the tears roll down my face, before I knew it Draco had pulled me closer to him and held me tight like no-one had before. He pulled me in so I could just let the tears fall from my eyes. I knew instantly I wasn’t as deep in love as I thought I was with Ron. I was starting to have strong feelings towards Draco but it was too much pain for this to actually be true. Loving him was just plain agony and torture.

     Once all the tears had fallen we sat there talking about school and the future. We both wanted to have a family, a good job and both of us wanted to stay in the wizarding world. Time passed and I knew I needed to get ready for bed and get rested so I was ready for school in time the next morning. Slowly I managed to get up off the sofa me and Draco were both resting on and over to the kitchen where I was going to make a hot drink before bed.

      I felt something strange, as if I was being watched and followed. Before I had a chance to turn around to see what it was I felt a warm yet relaxing breath on the back of my neck making the hair stand on its end. Then I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist. He took a step closer to me. “Draco?” I was so confused, I couldn’t say anything else. “Hermione forget everything! Loving you is torture, but I know I can’t live without you.” Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen next.

      His breathing was warm and uneven on the back of my neck; I knew that he was nervous about something. His hands which were already resting on my waist became stiff. He slowly turned me round to face him, I tried to take a mental photograph of what was happening but I couldn’t concentrate. His face was getting closer and closer to mine. His lips brushed mine and as he whispered slowly and softly to me again the words which I didn’t understand: “Loving you is torcher,” His lips were on mine kissing me in a way which no-one had ever kissed me before. It made me feel wanted and special, it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside and it was the most heavenly thing which had ever happened to me. We eventually came up for air. We both took one look at each other and headed to bed, neither one of us saying a word to each other.

      I lay in bed for several minutes that night thinking about the events which had happened in school already. Me and Ron arguing, the kiss between me and Draco and the lovely dance we shared moments before the awkwardness and disappearing to bed. That night I feel asleep with not a care in the world, I fell asleep with a feel of satisfaction. Little did I know of the awkwardness which was about to be lay out ahead of me with no warning signs and no other way to go to try and dodge the situation.

      My dreams were pure and good; it was as if the nightmares were too scared to enter a dreamers head once again. However I knew that there was bound to be more lurking in the shadows of my mind, waiting for the God forsaken moment of my extreme despair or happiness to come out of hiding and destroy everything in its path so that I have to start the walls in my head and heart all over again just so I can try and stop everything and anything bad entering again.

      I remembered one of Dumbledore’s old sayings that night as I closed my eyes, it was one of the greatest things I heard ever: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” this reminded me about mine and Draco’s kiss, I was in one of the darkest times and it made me realise I loved Draco too. Also I remembered another one of Dumbledore’s sayings which Harry was constantly repeating: “ Of course this is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” these sayings kept swimming through my dreams and nothing was going to ruin the smile that was on my face when I fell asleep that night.

    I was hoping and wondering if Draco truly meant what he had said tome, however I was also wondering what he meant: “loving you is torcher.” I was wondering if he thought that I and Ron were going to get back together. I finally understood him and I felt the same. Loving him was torcher because I didn’t know how it all would go. I made up my mind I was too tell him how I felt. This I was going to do tomorrow.


Sorry it has been taking so long to be posting up this chapter but I have been really busy with Army Cadets and have just got my promotion and a big competition coming up, thank you for being so patient :)

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