Buttercreams: South Africa (sickfic)

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Joe woke up feeling awful. He didn't want this to happen. Himself and most of the boys were in South Africa for holiday and Joe felt like death. He didn't even drink that much yesterday so it wasn't a hang over. He had three drink all day, so he knew this didn't have anything to do with a hangover or drinking.

"Joe get up." Conor yelled banging on Joe's door.

"Go away." He head was pounding and his stomach was fighting with itself.

"You alright mate?" Conor opened the door to check on Joe.

"No I feel awful." Joe buried his head in his pillow hoping the headache and neausia would go away.

"I'll go and get you some medicine." Conor shut Joe's door before proceeding to go upstairs where the other three were waiting.

"Where's Joe?" Jack asked seeing his brother come up alone.

"I'm pretty sure he's sick. Do we have any medication?" Conor asked getting a glass of water for Joe.

"I think I do. Just a moment." Caspar stood up. He returned with a bottle of aspirin.

"What should we do?" Josh asked.

"I don't know. Joe's probably not going to get out of bed all day let alone want to go anywhere." Jack answered.

"You're right. I'll give him this and see what he's like." Conor went back downstairs. He could hear Joe being sick in the bathroom.

Conor gently pushed to door open and knelt down beside Joe. He rubbed Joe's back gently until he sat back and wiped some vomit from his mouth.

"Here take these." Conor took two pills from the bottle and gave them to Joe. He took them, wincing at the burning feeling in his throat.

"Let's get you back to bed." Conor practically had to carry Joe back into his room. He tucked him into bed and shut the blinds.

"Thanks Con." Joe rasped out.

"It's no problem. Get some sleep." Conor shut the door and made his way back upstairs where the others were still sitting.

"How is he?" Josh asked after Conor sat beside him.

"He was sick. But I got him back to bed and he's sleeping. We should probably stay here and make sure he's alright." The other agreed and they settle in for the day.


3 hours later Joe appeared upstairs.

"Hey Joe. How you feeling?" Caspar asked.

"Sh*tty." Joe laid down in the couch his lead landing on Jack's lap.

"Why didn't you stay downstairs?" Jack asked gently.

"Was lonely." Joe was falling asleep already.

"Sleep Joe. You'll feel better after you sleep more." Caspar said gently. Josh brought over a bin and some water.

"You're leaving me?" Jack whispered seeing the others leaving.

"You'll be fine. After a few minutes you should be able to get up." Conor whispered as they all went outside to go in the pool.

Jack sat there for a while until he was able to move Joe enough that stand up. He sat on a chair across the room incase Joe woke up.

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