12. His Bed

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I could easily assume this was Craig's house, but choose to ask anyway, "Where and w-why?" Keeping the question short and sweet, assuming Craig would explain.

He only shrugged his shoulders and looked into the distance, "That party was getting too wild and you left... I just thought we could enjoy our selfs more here."

"CRAIG WHAT THE H-HECK MY STUFF IS AT CLYDE'S HOUSE!!" I yelled, loosing any calmness I had left. Did Craig not think this through? My stuff could get stolen. And wouldn't Clyde worry if they noticed we were gone?

Craig once again just shrugged and walked upstairs to what I assume is his room. I followed behind him. Though I didn't exactly want to stay, but I did prefer this over the party. Craig's house was quite, I guess his parents weren't home either.

As we entered his room in a stiff silence, Craig went over to his bed and laid in the corner of the bed where it sat between the corners of Craig's room's walls.

Now, my stomach was really starting to flip. Why now I asked myself. I did more than anything want to sit beside him. But my feet glued themselves to where I was standing.

It was Craig's bed. Was it safe? What if Craig didn't like sharing his personal space? Look, normal I wouldn't have left my house in the first place. Well, normally I'd be in my small bed in a cabin by now.

I looked at him, and I looked at his bed. It was, his bed. The bed he slept on every single night. It probably smelled like Craig.

I did slowly shift my feet over to his bed. I lifted one led and carefully placed myself beside Craig. It was starting to get late, and I was tired. Though I didn't plan on really sleeping, I closed my eyes. Maybe if Craig thought I was asleep, I wouldn't have to deal with the feeling I had. That feeling in my gut I knew I couldn't run from. It had planted itself inside me, and only seemed to grow the more I thought about it.

Craig laid beside me, he put on some music on his phone and let it play. He had reached over across me and turned out his lamp, aka the only light in the room. Then he turned on the light on his phone, shuffles over me and closed his door. My heart was beating through my chest. Had I always gotten like this around him, or was this just now?

I shut my eyes closed at tight as I could. For all Craig knew, I was fast asleep. When I felt Craig come back to the bed, he crawled over me and laid beside me one again. But this time I could feel his breath on my face. He wasn't on his back anymore, but on his side facing me.

I kept my eyes closed though. Just sleep. Just sleep. Get this day over with and sleep.

"You twitch in your sleep?" I heard Craig whisper very close to my face. I was fighting with myself to keep my eyes shut. Then I heard his voice again.

"Why'd you leave the house after I told you about Bebe?"

His voice felt closer than before, I could feel his body warmth against mine.

"Whatcha dreaming about Tweek? Your face is getting red?" Craig cooed at me, his lips right beside my ear.

"Ngh- Craig, d-don't do that."

"Do what?" He said innocently as if he didn't realize he now hovering over me on all fours. I only peeked my eye open for a second. What the fuck is he doing?

"F-fuck Craig. Let me sleep."

"Answer the question then you can sleep."

A/N) sorry for the short chapterrrrrrr, but I cant update much during the week cause school. :,(

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