"Hey! Everyone's here?" Henry stood up offering them each a blunt.

Zailey was about to take one when a hand slapped her arm away. She looked to her right to find Connor shaking his head. Rolling her eyes, she made another attempt. Connor grabbed her arm tightly, intervening once again.

"If you need somewhere to put your lips on, it'd be much more pleasurable to put them here," Connor placed his pointer finger on his lips.

Her friends did their best trying to retain their laughter, but to no avail, they were already spraying their spit on each other. Zailey glared daggers at Connor, the heat rushing to her cheeks.

"Some boy you got there," Henry said putting his stash away.

"To what do we owe the presence of the great Connor Davis?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm Zailey's baby-" Connor replied but was not able to finish.

Zailey nudged his stomach, "B-Baby! We're dating now."

Right as the words flew out her mouth, she mentally slapped herself.

Connor knitted his eyebrows and shot her a confused glare.

    Elizabeth looked down and bit her lip, "Who would've guessed you'd be Zai's first boyfriend."

    "It turned out that way, didn't it," Connor said gritting his teeth, still looking at Zailey. "What an honor."

    "Well, that explains why you've been such a good girl lately," Nathan winked, "So you can be a bad girl in bed."

    Zailey breathed a laugh, suddenly getting nervous, "Am I the only one that wants to go in now? Let's go!"


    "Alright, so everyone's good? Zai, Connor, you got the plan down?" Henry asked.

    "We're good," Zailey said, and looked at Connor.

    He took her hand in his and smirked, "Definitely."

    She glared at him and whispered, "Let go, idiot."

    "How could I let go of my beloved girlfriend?" He said, teasingly.

    "You really have to do this?"

    "Don't you wanna make us believable?" He smirked, interlocking his fingers with hers.

    They all proceeded to the back lot, stacking boxes on trash cans to get as high as the open window. One by one, they boosted themselves up to the window that led to the building's storage section. They went through a door leading to a stairway that contained an empty room at the other end. Zailey and Connor looked down to see the window they first entered through, about 10 feet down. The balcony was close enough to climb to the rooftop of Wasted Paradise, and they took turns helping each other reach the top.

As everyone reached the top, the only two remaining were Zailey and Connor. As Zailey climbed to the top, the sleeve of her shirt got caught on a nail on the wall. She was left standing on the edge of the thin balcony railing.

"Hey, what happened?" Connor asked from below.

"I'm... Stuck. My sleeve is caught," Zailey answered, gesturing at the sleeve of her jacket with her head. "Over here..."

With her other hand, she was holding onto a small wooden ledge for balance, making it hard for her to disentangle it herself.

"Okay, hold on, I'm coming up," Connor said as he climbed up.

Zailey held her breath, butterflies forming in her stomach as he stood less than an inch away. The lack of standing space forced them to press their bodies against each other, both tightly holding onto a small wooden ledge. Reaching for the sleeve, he attempted to pull it from the nail. After a few seconds, Connor managed set her arm free.

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