Getting organised

Start from the beginning


Luca sighed dramatically. “If you wanted me to strip you should have just asked.” Luca continued to pull his clothes off one by one until he was almost naked in front of me, wearing nothing but his boxers. His hand held onto the elastic material with the words ‘Calvin Klein’ written on it. He pulled down the edge slowly and I started laughing, No scratch that I was laughing so hard it was probably not classified as laughing. I had to clutch my stomach at one stage.


Luca looked offended and I tried to stop laughing until you could only hear me giggling. “What’s so funny?” luca finally asked me. “Nothing pretty boy it’s just a really cute guy is stripping in front of me. I just thought imagine Cameron walked in, that would be hard to explain” I lied for the sake of not ruining his ego. Honestly I didn't know why I was laughing. Probably because I felt a little flustered. I mean luca was gorgeous I would classify him a model. His body, his chiseled jawline and his gorgeous hair were many of the things that made him flawless. Of course I would never tell him that. It’d inflate his ego way too much.


Luca shamelessly walked out of my bedroom and into his I was assuming. I followed him out but stopped once I saw Nate looking at me. “Hey lil boy” I greeted him. “Why are you so happy for?” he asked me as if accusing me of something. I stopped smiling and tilted my head. “What?” I asked him completely unaware of what he was intending. “Luca just walked out of your room in his boxers and you’re happy.” My jaw dropped. He thought we had done something. “No no no no no NO” I shouted shaking my hands a little too much. “We didn’t do anything, luca is an idiot” I defended myself. Luca walked out of his room wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. “Don’t lie cammy, you shouldn’t have to hide it. Wear it like armor” he said in his jerkish way. “Did you just quote game of thrones?” I asked. “Is that where I heard it?” he asked himself. Luca walked down stairs and I followed him. Nate followed us down too.


“My lovely lovely children, come here” Cynthia greeted us once we reached the bottom. Nate rolled his eyes and luca hugged his aunt. I hugged her too and walked over to Nate. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. “Nothing, she’s being weird” he replied. But there was obviously something there.


“I have something to tell you all” she announced. We all turned our head to face her. Luca had the fridge door wide open. Nate, a plate of toast and I was holding a water bottle in my hand. “Sit down” she ordered.  We all took a seat not tearing our gaze away from her face. “I’ve been at the doctors for a long time now, you all know of how I have problems with my lady parts” she started. I saw luca and Nate grimace. However they were still interested. “Jonah and I have been trying for a year now, we’re finally pregnant” she finished. Nate’s jaw dropped and luca just looked at her emotionless. I jumped up and hugged her. “Congratulations, oh my god I’m so excited.” I hadn’t seen a baby up close in forever. “Aren’t you excited boys?” I asked them. Luca smiled at her. “Congrats.” Nate just stared at his mum. C’mon boy don’t ruin this for her.


“Do you know the gender?” he asked finally. We all turned to face Cynthia again. “Not yet.” We all pretty much continued our morning routine from there. Nate disappeared after breakfast. “Anthony needs my help with the wedding prep, ill see you later,” luca announced.


I contemplated on calling Cameron. I cleaned up my room a little. As I lifted a pair of jeans that was lying on the ground a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up. Shawn 0435 6785 22 it read. I remembered Shawn, I had asked if he gave guitar lessons and he gave me his number. I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

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