Chapter 12 - The exam

Start from the beginning

"Very well then. You are going against what i taught you but nevermind. Persion sw-."

"Fine! I...I forfeit. Automatic Pass."

"Kay" I said as i returned Persion. I begin to walk until " Wait Meli. You've changed. Something about you is... different." He called. "Nice to know Kukui." I breathed. I paused for a moment. I had a strong feeling that I needed to pull my hoodie over my head. I took my hood and lifted it up to cover my face. I pushed open the door to find a swarm of reporters. There were flashing lights all around. I quickly made them all stop. They all stood there, motionless. I tiptoed through the crowd and made my way to the main desk. I stopped forcing them to stay still and made it so that they never even realised i'd opened the door yet. "Where's my room?" I asked Nurse Joy. " Oh um hello where did you come from?" She wondered. " Just tell me where my room is!" I demanded in an angry tone. " Oh yes sorry sir." She apologized. " Pokedex please." She asked. I handed it over to her. " Room 999" She gave me back my pokedex. I teleported to my room as it was the highest level. 

The room was square. A double bed sat in the middle with side drawers at both ends. There was a single window looking out to the city. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I should have got a better room. I suddenly had an ill feeling in my stomach. I didn't know where Lucario had gone off to.

"ATTENTION PLEASE ATTENTION PLEASE. ALL PARTICIPENTS EITHER WHO HAVE ALREADY PASSED OR ARE WAITING FOR THEIR RESULTS GO TO HALL A PLEASE!" The speakers above my rooms door blasted out. I rolled my eyes again. I hated citys. They were so loud and full of people. I prefered the country side. I realised that i would have to look for Lucario afterwards.

I teleported to Hall A. Even though i appeared out of thin air, nobody seemed to notice. They were all too eager for the results of their tests. In the hall there were only about 30 participants. The rest must have got automatic failures. I looked across the room. I saw Max, Ritchie, Dawn, Serina and Bonnie. The rest of the crowd i did not know. At the front of the hall there was a stage where  6 people sat . One of which, was Professor Kukui. A tall, blond haired lady stood up. She walked to the front of the stage where a microphone appeared.

"Hello everyone, Thank you all for participating today. Would everyone who has already passed stand to the left of the hall and everyone who is waiting go to the right." The lady greeted.

Only 2 other people other than me went to the left. One of the participents was Ritchie. I was happy for him. The other i did not recognise. She had long blonde hair and wore a white shirt and white shorts. I could tell from her timid posture that she was extremely shy. She clutched onto her bag like she was protecting something. 

"Okay thank you everyone. My name is Lusamine. Lets get right onto the point. The people who have passed are... Elizabeth Liones. Please step over to the left. Serina Williams. Please step over to the left. Diane Serpent. Please step over to the left. Dawn Midnight. Please step over to the left. And finally... Ban Fox. Thank you all again. Everyone on the left follow me and everyone on the right will be escorted out where you may buy tickets."

Max, Bonnie and many other trainers started wailing. Lusamine hopped down from the stage and walked towards us. She motioned us to follow her and lead us into a small room which was filled with reflective clothes. 

"These are anti-press clothes. They are super reflective so all flash shots will hide your face." She handed a range of clothing to us as well as a map. " You'll recieve your timetable tomorrow." She said. She then lead us to the main reception where Dawn and Serina met up with their friends and Ash's former friends. 

I quickly remembered that i had to find Lucario. I thought about him in my mind and started to commense the teleportation when Max come up to me. " Do you mind kid ? Im trying to concentrate." I moaned.

" Why are such a big meanie?" He asked.

"Why are you such a small brat?" I retaliated . I knew Max was always concerned about how short he was because all his friends were getting his growth spirts before he was. 

May saw that Max had come up to me so she began to walk over. But before she could have a word to me I teleported to Lucario. I looked from side to side. We were in a forest. I looked around to find lucario sleeping under a tree. I ran to him and desperatley shook him awake. "Lucario Lucario wake up!"

" What im awake im awake geez."

"Oh. I thought you were in danger. I had a gut feeling that something had happened due to my futuresite."

"Are you sure you want to keep using your futuresite excuse. Just admit that you were worried for once."

"I wasn't worried!"

"Yeah Yeah sure."

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. If any of you have any requests then just comment and ill try my best to include them if they fit into the story line. Thanks for all your support. I think i will be doing chapters once every other day from now on. Bye

Next chapter - Battle one

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