Special Chapter

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Author: Bittersweet

All the characters and stories are belong to BitterSweet! 

I did check the grammar but there might still be error leftovers somewhere! 


Interview with Kongbop (K) and Arthit (A) 

1.What's your first impression of each other?

K: During school entrance interview, I met P'Arthit in the toilet, which was not a romantic place to meet (laugh). But the encouragement that I got from that stranger, made me feel good, and made me remember him clearly.

A: When this crazy kid in the assembly hall told me that he wanted to make me his wife, he gave me bad first impressions of him, but it also made me remember the name Kongbop and his student number in my heart.

2. When did you start to fall in love?

K: Everytime P'Arthit gave me something to eat (laugh) from tangerine, sauteed chicken basil, chili sauce, tom yam noodle.. And other food that i never thought of eating before, but P'Arthit is very kind, I fall in love with him because of his kind heart.

A: I don't remember when, but when the feeling came to me I already fall in love with him.

3. Which part of him you do you like most?

K: P'Arthit's smile

A: I love all part of him (Shit, why are you looking so hot now)

4. Do you think the person beside you has any weak point?

K: Whenever P'Arthit was embarrassed he would become extremely cute.. Hm? Can this be considered as weakness? Yes, because whenever P'Arthit was embarrassed I would lose control, I would become crazy, I wanted to hug him and kiss him. That happened everytime.

A: Shit, what's with your answer!

K: I am telling the truth, just like how it is now (Arthit immediately move aside to stay away from Kong)

A: Kongbop likes to flirt with me, sometimes he looks like a stalker.

K: Me? Stalker?

A: Yes, like when were at the university dorm, whenever it was raining and if I my clothes were still at the balcony, Kong would called me and told me to take my clothes, if he didn't watched my room how would he know that my clothes has dried, when i moved to the apartment, he suddenly become my neighbour. If you this is not a stalker then tell me what it is ha!

K: This is called worried

5. Usually each lovers would have a special name to address each other, if you guys have it, what do you call each other?

K: P' Ai Oon, if not, I would call him "My love"

A: In your dream! (😂 He looked at Oon proudly)

6. If you were trapped in an island, and you were allowed bring only one item, what would it be?

K: P'Arthit

A: I am not an item!

K: As long as there's P'Arthit, anywhere is ok!

A: I want to bring someone that can save me quickly and bring me home!

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