1️⃣2️⃣: New Mexico Vibes

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"Come the fuck on y'all walking all slow niggas hungry." Boomer said to the girls. 

"Boomer shut the fuck up, your black ass always complaining." Sky said as we stared walking faster.

"Blah blah blah, but I see your ass speeded up the pace though." Boomer clapped back.

I was next up in line, "Hello welcome to What-a-burger. What would you like to eat. I know this is probably unprofessional but I'm one of your biggest fan." The cashier said.

"Preciate it but let me get a bacon cheeseburger and medium fries." I said pulling my money out.

"What will be your drink?" She asked typing in the register thing.

"A medium sprite." I replied.

"Ok. Your total is $12.78." I took out a 20 and gave it to her.

"Oh hell no this bitch to high. For all this we could've went to McDonald or Burger King." Baby joe said.

the employee laughed before handing me my change, "have a good day."

"Nigga shut up and order your food bitch." Boomer said to Joe.

"Right niggas back here starving." India said flipping her hair.

We all got our food and headed to the hotel we are staying at.


We just got in the hotel room not to long ago. It was the presidential suite with 5 rooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms.

Ben haven't been talking to me since what happened at the show in Cali. So I don't even know where our relationship stand.

I just felt like everything was blew out of proportion, it didn't have to end in us fighting. It is what is, the shit already over.




"Ben!" I yelled.

"What?" He said smartly.

"Trouble in paradise." Boomer mumble making KD choke on his water.

All they do is play all fucking day. Them niggas rarely serious.

"Can we talk right quick?" I asked tying my shoes.

"Ight." He said putting his blunt in the table and walking outside as I followed.

"Wassup." He asked leaning on the brick wall.

"Why you mad at me?" I asked.

"So we just going forget your fight at the show?" He said clenching his jaw.

"So basically you mad at me for defending me and my sister?"I ask turning my head side ways.

"Yeah." He said.

"You got me fucked up if you think I'm going let anybody talk out the side of their neck  about me or my sister." I said getting in his face.

Who Would Have Knew..|•Nba YoungBoy• | COMPLETED Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ