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Your heart was doing backflips in your chest and you couldn't control it, how could it possibly be?

Oh yeah, how could it possibly be that it was time to 'get up and ready' for school. You didn't sleep the whole night because of Felix's little gesture. It was just him wrapping a scarf around you. "Seriously y/n chill!" You thought to yourself.

After preparing yourself for school you headed out to catch a bus to your train station. Standing outside his house once again was Felix, his breath visible in the air.

"Why are you up so early?" You yelled from your house. The boy turned to the direction of your voice.

"I want to explore, pull a Dora or something. How about you, why are you up?" You snickered at his question, gesturing to your uniform.

"Why else would I be up this early?" He nodded realising the stupidity of his question.
"Right, right..." he said.

"Well, see you when I see you Felix. Oh and if you want a tip on where to go. Ask someone wear the very big park in the city is. They'll know." You waved making your way to your bus stop, the zero amount of sleep never really effected you. You were used to staying up late anyway but if it did take it's toll, it probably would be in full effect during Ms Kols' English class.

You assumed right, it would be in full effect in Ms Kols' English class. You practically knocked out once again, only to wake up to the familiar loud smack of a ruler on the board. Just one more week of this torture y/n and then it's a mini break. Two whole weeks of sleeping and binge watching. Ahh how beautiful it sounded, your wonderful thoughts only to be interrupted by your best friends menacing sounds.

"Psssst y/n"
She poked your side.

"The hell do you want oh my god, I'm trying to sleep." You laid your head on your desk.

"Tell me about Felix! You're mad greedy with your information. Felix Lee becomes your neighbour and you don't spill any details to your best friend? What am I? Non existent?" There she was again being over dramatic.

"What else can I say? He's my neighbour. That's all." She snickered.

"Felix? A normal neighbour ahhhaaaaa" she let out a weird laughter.

"Okay how about this y/n, spend as much time as you can with that beauty because he's only here for 6 months." That's when it truly hit you, he wasn't just any neighbour. He would leave in 6 months and go back to his lifestyle, and you'd be left just wishing that you got to know him more when you had the best opportunity in the world as his neighbour.

"You're legitimately the dumbest smart person I've ever met, your grades don't define your intelligence. I don't see it, you dumb as hell." Your best friend said, class had ended and you and her were walking to your next class. The day was going by so slowly and all you yearned for was to get a glimpse of the boy next door. Soon after your wish was granted and you were waiting to catch the train home when you saw the boy standing waiting for the train too.

He was standing there in his bomber jacket, which he was wearing this morning. Too emerged in his phone. The only difference was the face mask covering his face, probably so no one could identify him, but you could.

You walked over to him. "So how was exploring, Dora?" He turned, at first he couldn't see you, but he then looked down.

"Oh hey y/n, what are you doing here?" Another question that could have easily been stated by the obvious.

"Waiting for the train..." you shifted your gaze to the sign signifying '2 mins' wait.

"Oh yeah ahah that makes sense. Sit with me on the train will ya? I got no one to tell my adventures to, will you listen?" His eyes looked so eager to say what he had been holding in.

"Of course I'll listen, try to grab two seats as fast as you can." The train soon arrived and Felix dashed to two seats, resting his hand on the seat he saved for you.

He didn't even wait, removing his face mask, soon after you sat down he began to speak.

"I walked around the city, I went to that giant park, it's so beautiful oh my god. I want to take you there. No one could take a photo of me dabbing next to a statue, I was too awkward to ask anyone but if I take you ooooooh I'll get the perfect shot yes." He spoke quickly, barely getting a breath in. He was so lost in his words that even you became lost in them, the way his lips moved when he spoke so passionately of what he did on his lone adventure. The sparkle in his eyes as he explained how beautiful the view was. Though for you at that exact moment no view that he saw that day could beat what you were looking at right at that moment.

felix lee | frecklesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin