Chapter 12

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Most of the day passes in a blur, I sit with Missy and Will at lunch but I don't really pay attention to the conversation going around the table. Most of the football players worships at Missy's feet now that they know who her brothers are and I think she kind of like it.

I don't pay attention to any of my classes instead my mind keeps wandering to Blake and the kiss, then I scold myself for thinking about it and feel guilty all over again. Why did he kiss me and why did it feel so good? Was it just because he was better than Will at kissing, that must be it, I need to stop overthinking this. I just need to stop thinking about this period. Nothing is going to get resolved from me going around in circles in my head, all it does is make me feel guilty.

When the bell rings for the end of the day I almost burst out in song, that's how happy I am. However this is not High School Musical or even Glee so singing in the hallways is a big no-no. I do a fast walk to my locker to grab the stuff I need for homework, hoping that I don't run into anyone on the way there. Sadly when I do get to my locker I have a small welcoming party waiting for me.

Missy and Will are chatting away, standing at my locker, why does the universe hate me? What did I do to offend it? All I wanted was to grab my stuff and slip out of school unnoticed, it really is shaping up to be a pretty crappy day. I walk over to my locker putting on my best happy face, trying to hide my I-would-like-to-kill-someone face.

"Hey there you are, I was just telling Will how excited you are about going to the game this Friday," Missy cheerfully says, making crazy eyes behind Will's back.

The hell is she talking about? My plans for Friday is F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and ice-cream and why does she keep flashing me crazy eyes? Wait... no those aren't crazy eyes those are play along eyes, but play along to what?

"Yes... supper excited about going, I have been looking forward to this since..."

"Since you told me about it this morning," Missy cuts in before I can put my foot in my mouth.

This morning? Okay so we are going somewhere that I decided on this morning and it's on Friday. Nope I still have  nothing.

"Okay, gotta go or coach will have my head for being late to my first practice. I'll call you tonight." Will leans over and kisses me on the cheek like it's the most normal thing.

But it should be, normal I mean. We went out on a date, we kissed, when we walk together we hold hands. We are in a relationship and kissing me on the cheek is normal, like watching movies at home together or going to see him play football. Oh, that must be the game I am excited to see, why did I not realize it sooner, I am such an idiot sometimes. I really am excited to see him play, I don't really know much about football but I do want to see him in those pants.

"What was that about," I ask Missy after Will leaves.

"He was talking about how you always seem to be spending time with Blake and I told him that you would much rather spend time with him and that you told me this morning that you are going to watch the game on Friday," she explains as I finally get to grab my things from the locker.

"Thanks for that, I did accidentally mention to him this morning that I had a falling out with Blake over the weekend."

"Oh and did you accidentally forget to tell me about it?" she asks sarcastically. 

"No but it was no big deal we just had a difference of opinion, as per usual, and we had a shouting match. I didn't want to bore you with the details, it happens every other day anyway." I do my best in brushing it off.

"That's never stopped you from telling me before. You know what I think? I think that something happened and you don't want to talk about it." Missy hits the nail on the head.

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