"I want that too." Jack said.

"Can I get a fruit salad." She nodded her head and walked off. "She's pretty." I smiled. "Too pretty."

She came back with a note and put it on the table. "Good morning, my Name is Kim I'll be your waiter this morning. I am unable to speak...for the last 26 years if you need anything call for me and I'll try my best to help :) xxx"

"Can you sign to me?" I asked. She set her things down and smiled. "You're very beautiful." I signed.

"Thank you, would you like a refill on your drink?" She asked pointing to my cup. I gave her my cup and waited for her to come back. "What else do I not know about you?" Jack asked.

"You're almost caught up." I smiled. Kim came back with my tea and smiled. "I really like your boyfriend's music." She grinned.

"She likes the band." I smiled.

"Really? That's fucking awesome." Jack smiled.

Kim smiled and rolled her sleeve up revealing a small future hearts tattoo. "That's Great, I love seeing those around."

She smiled and walked off I took a sip out of my tea. "Kiss me." Jack said.

"Damn, daddy got demanding." I giggled. I kissed him and smiled. Our kiss was interrupted by a man calling jacks name. "Damn Jack, right in the middle of everyone?" He laughed. I hid my face from whoever it was till Jack said something. "Nano? I thought you went home?" Jack asked.

I knew who Nano was because Jack used to talk about him a lot in interviews. "I catch my flight next week. You must be Chloe, I've heard good things about you." He Said. I turned my attention to Nano and held my hand out. "Nice to meet you." I smiled.

Kim came Back with my fruit salad and the boys food. "I'll text you, you guys probably have a busy day." He Said.
Before I could say anything he walked off and didn't look back. "Your friends don't like me." I laughed.

"Stop it they do, all my friends are 30 years or older they get tired." He laughed.


I ended up getting my tattoo by myself and Jack got me my tea from Starbucks and an extra pair of clothes. Andrew tried to create small talk with me but I hated small talk with people. "Okay all done, I'll bandage you up and you can go." She smiled. I looked at the ink that was now on my skin that ran up from my hip to the top of my rib cage. "Alright." I smiled. The message. 'First love your self' written in German. Andrew came over and looked at it. "I don't know what this means but it looks beautiful." Andrew smiled. Jack came in with my tea and smiled at me. "Hello sunshine." He Said. He walked over to me and kissed me. "Thank you." I smiled taking a sip of my tea. The woman came back with my bandage and put a sticker on my wrist. "Good job kid, keep this on for two hours and you'll be okay."

I thanked her and walked out the door with the boys. "Okay this is where we part ways, I'll see you guys soon." Andrew said.

I gave Andrew a hug and walked off with Jack. "I like Andrew." I smiled.

"Good, he's a good guy." Jack smiled. My phone buzzed to see Awsten texted me.

Aws💜- We're at hot topic's lounge room you can come over Geoff put out security to look for you, and if Jack wants to come.

Me-Okay we'll be there soon.

"Where's the mall?" I asked.

"Straight a head." Jack said. He put his hand in my back pocket and pulled me closer. "What did you pick out for my clothes?" I asked.

Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||Where stories live. Discover now