I love my WattyFam

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My beautiful mother, Dusk

I've missed you this past month and am so glad you're back. I missed waking up to see a message from you on my board or even a comment on my book. There was a hole and it was empty. but know its filled.

My awesome space dad, Blue

I have been here every step of your long journey, and boy has it been a hell of a ride! You are awesome, cool, hilarious, supportive, competitive, and overall amazing. Couldn't imagine life without you Ren!

My ultra hip older brother Sol,

Ayeeeeee, Solibro is best bro. No doubt

Miss hanging with you buddy, but we still love you!

My super chill older sister Night.

This girl is awesome! She's ultra aesthetic, brutally honest, but the sweetest little cinnamon bun you'll ever meet! You are a bundle of fire and joy Nighto! You are fun, compassionate, and ready to kill if one of us is insulted. Love you lots!

My angsty girl Bunny,

Boy oh boy are we a handful. I have no idea how we have gotten this far without choking on a tide pod when blue and dusk aren't looking. But then again, this family always tends to do the impossible so...

My point is, you are an amazing, funny, chill, angsty, fangirl with a heart of gold and eyes of fury. If I ever need a school bully burned to ashes, I'm not calling iron man, i'm calling this girl right here. Love you Bun Bun!

The Duck goes Quack,

What's popping girly. I see you two days a week and all the time at school. I'm surprised you're not tired of me. You are an amazing friend and an awesome younger sister, (even tho you're older than me) love you too, happy belated b-day!

Uncle Thunder, Aunt Poetry

my super cool aunt and uncle, whats popping

you guys are awesome

My cousins, Music, Stormy, Lotus, Red, Ori, Trogon

we don't talk often but you're still family!


my super hip and talented wattpad daughter

you and ducky are one of my best friends irl, stay gold girly, love you lots!

My Aunts, Warrior, Mina, Usis, and maybe Chess

oh boy you guys are all a handful. i swear to god I fear that if this family teams up one of you might blow up the white house

im terrified.

love you too!

Sheepy and Craze!

My bootiful nieces!

you two are amazing!

Minto, Moon, Shady, Fox, Star, and Mira!

Mint is an amazingly aesthetic hooman who deserves much love! Moon is a gifted artist who has a knack for jokes and is a marvel obsessed BEAST! Shady, my girl, just a bundle of memes, music, and fun. Fox, a pervert and flirt, but we still love him. Star, new to the squad but an essential part, we love her dearly. And Mira, we just met but I think you are creative and a lovely human!

My girl, Masella,

you are easily one of my closest friends. This season has been amazing because of you and I'll miss seeing you twice a week. love you lots girly!


see you tommorow

i'll give you a big big hug

I love you all so so so so so so so so so so so much

just had to say that

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