Here's a thought

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So I have this friend irl

We've known each other since preschool and even did skating lessons together when I was three and she was four.

So we've known each other for quite a long time.

We have always shared the same interests on most things. Disney movies, theme parks, art styles, TV shows, and toys. We still keep our childish nature and talk, watch and yes, play with the things we used to be interested in.

I'm sure I have mentioned this before but...

I still play/film with LPS

LPS is an acronym that means Littlest Pet Shop

Littlest Pet Shop's are little tiny animal figurines that are like tiny bobblehead animals. Their heads boddle only a little, not a lot, so they look pretty average.

They can come in many different colors, have cool houses and accessories, and are just really cool in general.

I love them so much that I still play with them, I have a collection of over 200 and have many accessories and houses. I hope you don't judge me for playing with these toys, and if you do, that's fine. Everyone has their own opinion.

It's the one main part of my younger years that has stayed with me, and I don't plan on letting it go anytime soon.

But here's where you come in.

If you look up just a little bit you see I said I don't just play with LPS

I film

Yes, I film videos with LPS for youtube. Of course they're not up. But I'm working on that.

My friend I was talking about has a LPS Channel. She makes videos and sometimes I'm a guest.

Of course my wifi sucks so they sometimes don't get posted...

(Shoutout to LPSWeirdo!)


I've been thinking, with my birthday coming up in the next few months, and my main present being to go see hamilton, could I ask for present???

A YouTube Channel to be exact

For LPS purposes

My question is, if I was to make this channel, pick out a name, post my content, would any of you watch it???

I want to make good, solid, and practiced material. Not just some thrown together crap.

Of course I need name ideas, and backgrounds and editors to use, BUT THAT'S FOR LATER!!!


What do you all think?

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