Happy Turkey Day!

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Just wanna say that I am so thankful for every single one of you! You all hold a special place in my heart and head, you'll never be forgotten as long as I shall live.

A few kind words for you all...

Blue, I am thankful for you because of your need to protect us all. With everything you are going through, the least you should be doing is worrying about the rest of us. But you do anyways, and for that I am thankful. <3

Dusk, your amazing ability to connect and show kindness to every soul is truly awe inspiring. I honestly look upto you and you continue to show me that you can be a respectable person and still be yourself, it's just a matter of listening to your heart. Thank you Duskie!

Swift, your feisty personality is honestly my favorite thing about you. You are such a bright and bubbly person with the most ferocious attitude I've ever seen! You are truly the strongest girl I've ever met. Continue to be your awesome self, you are one of the best "Big sisters" I can ask for. And being one myself irl, I know that can be hard, so thank you!

Lion, I honestly couldn't ask for a more laid back pair of brothers. You and Sol continue to show me that just because you're of the opposite gender, doesn't mean that you can't chill with girls, and still be awesome. You are so laid back and easy to talk to. You always know just what to say. and always have "brotherly advice" on hand. Stay cool my dude!

Sol, even in the short amount of time I've known you, I've begun to realize that no matter the person, you don't have to see their face to know that they are generally a good person. A person that can make you laugh, smile, cry, or even scream. SoliBro, you can make just about anyone smile, and it's not because you give them a smile (because this is the internet and you can't do that) it's because you give a good vibe, and that's pretty cool. Love you guys!

Night, I've known you probably the shortest and can honestly say, this has been the best few months of my life just getting to spend them with you and our fam. You are always so happy and supportive. You pick anyone up when they are down, and are ready to go to war to fight for them. You are extremely helpful and always have an amazing idea, story, or joke ready to share. Here's to life and the memories to come!  I love you sis!!

Bunny, I distinctly remember meeting you in TawnypeltWarriors MoonClan roleplay. You and I hit it off right away, and I had the most fun time roleplaying with you! You were so creative and easy going! Then I got to know you more and I saw your "feisty side" so to speak. You were ready to go to war to fight! Anyway, I just wanna say how proud I am to call you family and how excited I am to have met you. You are a wonderful person, stay that way! <3

Oan, my dude! We haven't known each other that long either but every moment is pretty legit! I can easily consider you and Night my twins. You are so funny and creative! I wish I had a TON more friends like you. I sometimes think "Man, wouldn't it be great to have people in real life just like my wattpad friends?" But then I remember that's what makes people like you special, if their was more people like you, you wouldn't be as special to me as you are. So thank you!

Ducky, one of my closest friends irl. Sometimes I feel like you have the ability to stalk me 24/7 because of this app. It scares me sometimes. But that's why I love you! You always know what's wrong, what's great, and what's maybe not the best. We can always have the best laughs about the stuff on here. I hope you know how thankful I am for you, I should remind you everyday. Love you girl!

Warrior, when I first met you in your MoonClan roleplay, you were so laid back and flexible. You had everything in order and organized from the get go. You inspired my first roleplay, and taught me how to make a roleplay in the first place. Since then I can say we've become closer friends and I'm proud to call you family. Thanks for being you!

Jade, goodness where do I start. For the longest time, I've known you as "Blue's friend". I decided to get to know you only recently and it was a decision I should have made a LONG time ago. You are such an amazing person with a bright personality and a warm aroma around you (I think?) Your eagerness to protect is a tad bit frightening, but entertaining when I know it's not me going to be ripped apart by the almighty Jade Wolf. Thanks for being supportive, hilarious, and especially kind to me. Love you Aunt Jade!

Mina, my roleplay buddy and another of "Blue's friends". YOU ARE THE ROLEPLAY BOSS! QUEEN! KING! WHATEVER TITLE YOU WISH TO CLAIM! Your ideas are amazing and I honestly aspire to come up with ideas like you do! I know you will do amazing things and I hope to be along for the ride, though it may be bumpy. Thanks for being my friend and amazing roleplay partner! LOve you!

Thunder, (feel the thunder, bum, bum, bum) YOU ARE THE MOST EPIC UNCLE EVER!!! I still don't know how you, Lion, and Sol put up with us ladies, but you do! And you do it with such a science! You are humorous and creative. You are just an awesome person to be around. Thanks bud!

Music, thanks for being an epic roleplay buddy. I enjoy having someone who always has an epic plot twist ready to throw into the mix! I also enjoy stalking Orca and Riptide from the shadows XD. Happy turkey day!

Stormy, geez how long have we known each other now! Thanks for being your legit self my dude, I couldn't be more thankful for my roleplay squad. You guys really do know how to make an epic character. HOW ARE YOU SO CREATIVE!! Thanks dude for being you!

Craze, thanks for being the only niece that's actually tried to get to know me. You are an amazing persons with an extravagant personality and bursting attitude! Can't wait to get to know you more!!!

Moon, you probably already know how special you are to me! You art is fantastic and I aspire to get as good as you! You are a permanent member of the "Roleplay Squad" which is now officially a thing. Here's to another year of not dying my dude!

Fox, I know I haven't known you that long, but thanks for being a pretty cool friend. Can't wait to spend the next year getting to know you!

Feather, my new official daughter! You are an amazing friend here and an even better one irl! You are newer to Wattpad but already have more friends than most. Your puns always brighten my day and I never hesitate to gossip Aphmau and Warriors with you! Here's to another year! Love you girl!

Mint, thanks for basically being my "ghost reader". We may not properly know each other that well but I'm still extremely thankful for you! Hope we can interact more in the following year!

And last but certainly not least...

Shady, thank you so very much. You are always so positive and are ready to give support to your friends. Your bubbly personality is the most admirable thing about you and I am thankful for every kind word you say! Love you Shady!

Yes, I know that was a LOT more than a few words, but they needed to be said. I'm thankful for every single one of you guys. You all make me...me! I wouldn't be here without you! Love you all!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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