Jade's POV

First stop was Mariah's house, her parents can be really rude the way they tease, so I'm pretty concerned about her.

"I'll call you guys, if I get to keep my phone." Mariah waved at us as she got out of the van with all her luggage. "Bye!" Randal smiled as he drove off. "Next is the Best sister's house!" He exclaimed, earning scowls and quiet insults coming from them, they hate being called that.

"I don't wanna go!" Demi groaned. "Don't you dare have another meltdown," Arizona frowned at Demi. "You know Randal," Ella started. "If you tell our parents that we didn't do anything wrong and that we were framed somehow, Demi will go on a date with you."

"I'll WHAT?!"

Randal's eyes widened, he sat there in silence, thinking. "Well....."

"There are no wells and I will NOT be going on a date with him!" Demi yelled. "Nothing against you of course," she faked a smiled so Arizona wouldn't punch her again.

"Like they'd believe him, just don't even try." I told Ella, she sighed as Randal pulled into their driveway.

They all sadly got their luggage and got out of the car, they looked like they were heading towards prison.

They kind of were.

"See you in twenty years, if our dad even let's us see the light of day then," Ella rolled her eyes. "Bye girls!" Randal yelled as I waved and smiled sadly.

"I didn't even do anything, it was all their fault." I crossed my arms as Randal drove me to my house. "but no, Uncle Simon doesn't care!"

Randal gave me an apologetic look, that's all. "Now my parents are gonna hate me."

"They won't hate you, they'll just be disappointed."

"For nothing! I was a good niece up there, it's always those four that have to get into trouble." I told him. "I'm not mad at them, but this always happens."

Randal pulled into my driveway, making me start to get more than scared. "Thanks Ranny, see you around I guess." I waved to him before he drove away, I trudged through the door with luggage all over me and tried to get to my room before I was spotted, but no use.

"Jade Victoria Davis. Get back here!"

Slowly, I dropped all my luggage in my room and walked back to our kitchen where my parents were waiting.

"Hi guys," I waved and forced a smile, hoping the wouldn't bring it up.

"What on earth were you thinking?!"

Of course they would bring it up, stupid.

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" I told them, my mom was standing behind the counter while my dad was sitting on a stool. They did not look happy.

"Really? Because that's not what my brother told me!" My mom yelled. "It was the other four, okay? I was out on a date and when I came back they ruined a golf cart and stashed tons of food in a closet!" I defended myself.

"Uncle Simon didn't believe me when I told him I didn't do anything, I tried to behave mom I really did!"

"Wait a minute," my dad started, "you went on a date?"

My eyes widened and I chuckled nervously, "did I never tell you guys about my boyfriend?"

I could've sworn they were both going to pound me, but instead they just took deep breaths to calm themselves. "Okay honey, we believe you. But you have to tell us these things! We try to keep up with what goes on but it's almost all rumors!" My dad frowned.

"I'm sorry, I was only dating one of the members of 5SOS for a week or so, it's over I think. So don't worry."

"I'm proud of you for trying to behave, but because you never told us you had a boyfriend and you were supposed to keep the other girls in line since you took them with you, you're grounded. Give me your phone." My mom held out her hand.

"How long?" I asked, handing her my phone that kept getting so many social notifications I had to turn it completely off. "A week, you have to call your uncle later and apologize for causing him so much stress," she replied.

"Like he'll even want to talk to me." I muttered and walked to my room. Sighing, I flopped onto my bed and couldn't help but feel sorry for the other girls, they're probably in trouble big time.

Mariah's POV

"I can't believe this!" My mom yelled in frustration. "You're lucky we actually trusted you to go somewhere, and then you have to be irresponsible and get sent back home!"

I just sat on the couch in the living room with my head down as my parents lectured me.

"Don't you have any respect?" My dad asked. "All I did was get more food than I should've, and I helped hide it from Simon," I said quietly. "You disobeyed and lied, and we've been told that you did more than that in the past, Simon finally just had it with your crap." My mom frowned.

"I was an idiot, I know okay! Just stop yelling at me, I feel bad enough." I told them. "Fine, just give us your phone." My dad ordered. Frowning, I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to them before running into my room and slamming the door shut.

"You'll get it back when you can act responsible!" My mom yelled from outside the door. I just ignored them, I'll never be responsible, I always screw things up.

Arizona's POV

"Phones. Now." Was the first thing our mom said to us when we walked into the living room, looking nervous and guilty.

We all gave them to her, along with Demi throwing hers on the ground instead because she's Demi and doesn't know how to behave.

"I'm very disappointed in you," our dad shook his head sadly. "I barely did anything, what made Simon snap was what Arizona and Demi did!" Ella defended herself.

"What would possibly possess you girls to drive his golf cart into a pool, not to mention you weren't even suppose to be on the golf cart!" My mom yelled.

"I'm the one who begged to drive it, and Demi's the one who provoked Ashton to drive like a maniac." I told her with my head down in shame. "This is why those boys shouldn't have lived there, they caused you to do crazy things." My dad said.

"Can we not get a super long lecture and just get told what our punishment is," Demi rolled her eyes. Me and Ella glared at her, she always had to sass our parents and get us in more trouble.

"Me and your father have already signed you three up for community service." My mom stated.

"Community service?!" Ella yelled, "it's not like we committed a crime!"

"All you have to do is go clean the park every day for a month, and because you need a phone to contact us, you three have to share this." Dad handed me a small, black flip phone.

"Seriously? These are ancient!" I protested. "It's that or nothing." He shrugged. We all groaned and trudged to our rooms.

I hate everything.


So comment your 2 favorite couples and who you think should get together;)

Love love love you guyses:)

Written by: Liv Squiv and Sar Bear🐻

My Uncle Simon?(1D and 5sos)Where stories live. Discover now