Chapter 11:Betrayl

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Hello my lovelies(:
Here is another chapter!!I hope you like it please vote and comment(:
Ava's Pov:

"Ava"The voice cooed in my ear.I groaned and placed my face in the pillow.I thought the person was gone but until I felt those familiar soft curls against my cheek.I smiled lightly and I began dozing on and off again.

I heard a sigh and I smiled at my victory.I was being slung over someone's shoulder??I pounded Harry's back and began slapping it but of course he didn't listen to me what so ever so I just swung there like a baboon.

"Styles."I warned.I was clearly in a grumpy mood today."I can tell"Harry chuckled at his stupid comment.

"I'll give you to the count if three-"I looked at him and I could practically see his smirk."1,2-"I couldn't finish because I was being dropped on the couch.

I squeaked and I landed with a forceful thud."Ow!"I huffed glaring at the laughing curly haired vampire.

He was on the damn floor laughing like a damn hyena."Y-you should of s-aw your f-face"He said between laughs.

I frowned and stomped into the kitchen.Stupid cocky arrogant-"I stopped my thought."I'm not that bad you know"He smirked leaning against the doorframe.I rolled my eyes.

I looked through the kitchen looking for something to eat.BloodBag,BloodBag and guess what more BloodBag!!!

I sighed deciding not to eat.I walked past Harry brushing my shoulder against his.I could feel him staring at my back but I ignored it.

I heard his heavy footsteps behind me and I walked faster until I reached upstairs.I locked the door and looked at the comfortable,empty king sized bed.

I smiled to myself.I was about to lay down and I saw a picture frame all dusty.I just noticed it was Harry's room.

Great.I sighed and looked around to make sure none of the boys were around and I quickly dusted the picture frame.

It was a girl.Okay well a really pretty girl.She was a really pretty,She was about my height and she had very blue crystal eyes.

I looked at the bottom and I saw a name."Mayiah,Your the most beautiful girl in the world.Only my heart is taken by yours"It said engraved.

"Who the hell is Mayiah??"All of these questions running through my head."Why wouldn't he tell me??"I was fuming.

"Haven't you ever heard of it's not polite to go threw people's stuff without permission"I heard a growl.

I gulped loudly and I knew who was standing there.He looked really pissed like beyond pissed.

"I-I"I couldn't say anything it's like I was frozen on the spot.He came over and to me with a smug grin on his face.

He looked over at the picture frame and he glared at me."Why were you in here??"He said in a low voice.It scared the shit out if me.

He walked over to me and I stood my ground."Who's Mayiah??"I asked with all the courage I could muster.

He stiffened and he narrowed his eyes at me."Why the fuck were you looking at me stuff!!"He bellowed.

I cringed at his sudden voice of tone.I walked backwards and looked at him."Answer"I demanded alittle louder.

He chuckled bitterly."Aww poor Ava is jealous over a girl that's prettier than her"He smirked.

Wow.That hurt."So you think some damn fucking girl on a picture frame is prettier!!"I croaked.He didn't answer instead he walked closer to me concealing me in a corner.

"Your jealous"He explained with that famous smirk on his face.I gulped and got out if his grip and stomped out of the room.

Harry didn't follow me.I was happy I didn't want to see his face right now.I jumped in bed and got under the duvet and tried to fall asleep..
Here is the chapter I really hope you like it!!Please vote and comment and I love you all

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