Chapter 1

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The Life of Slenderman

Made by: Kristina Kramer

Many books I've read about slenderman on wattpad don't have much on his point of view (unless it's a slenderman-falls-in-love-with-human-cliche). This book will show you how I think Slenderman feels, all from his point of view. I know I'm just starting my life on wattpad, but if you have any ideas to add to the story, I'll more than happily add them to my story. PLEASE HELP ME WITH IDEAS!!!!

Chapter 1

Alone. Frightened. Needing somebody, anybody. All I want is some friends. Why do people always run away when they see me? I'm a nice guy, I just look scary. At heart, I'm a gentle rose in need of love. If I only had some love, then maybe not as many mortals would be afraid of me...

* * *

I'm one-hundred-fifteen years old.

The year is 1862. I live in Wisconsin, one of the newest states in the Union. The young country has just split into two seperate countries, the United States of America, and the Confederate States of America. The war's just started, and the area I live in is trying to find any boy age fourteen plus to draft into the army. Because of that, I have to leave.

"Hey! Whoever's inside! Open up!"

Crap! I have to get out of here! If they saw that a 'monster' lived in this house, they would shoot me for sure! And, if they did shoot me, then they wouldn't be alive for much longer. Those few who have heard about me think that I was born a killer. Truth is, I hate killing people, or animals for that matter. I only kill when I get pushed over the edge, which thankfully almsot never happenes.

"Hurry up! If you're not out by the count of ten, we're coming in! And don't think about the back door, the entire house is surrounded!"

Well, there goes that idea. I guess, I guess I'll have to teleport. I know my parents (yes, I have parents, but they're still in England) said under no circumstances was I aloud to teleport until I could control my power, but this is an emergencey. Maybe... if I concentrate... really hard... I got it!

"That's it! We're coming in! What the... where did that guy go? I swear I heard someody moving around in here trying to find something..."

Oh God (sorry mom!) that was close! Just a few seconds longer and they would have seen me. If that had happened, I would have had to kill again. I haven't killed in, what was it, fifty years? That sounds about right. Yeah, about fifty years.

It was when I had first moved to the country. I was taking a ship that was going to dock at the middle of the night, but something was off in the navigational calculations and we arrived at dusk. The streets were empty except for one young girl on her way home from running some errands for the man of the house, her father. I had just gotten off the streets, so I wouldn't run into any mortals and scare them. The only thing is, I didn't notice the poor girl until she was bumping into me. I looked into her face. With her sea-blue eyes, her long, bronze hair and her perfect figure; I didn't want to kill her, I was just going to run and let her be. What I didn't plan on though was her to scream her lungs off when she looked at my face. That's the only reason why I had to kill her. If I hadn't, they entire Boston coast would have seen me, and I wouldn't be able to get away without a massacre. Once she started screaming, all I did was snap her neck and run as far and as fast as I could away from Boston.

Okay, flashbacks done. Now, where in the world am I? I don't think I've ever been in this area of the world, so I need to find someone to help me find out where I am. Damn, that won't work, I'll just scare them and I'll end up having to kill them. I have a fifty year no-kill streak going, and I don't want to ruin it just because somebody screamed when I looked at them. Now what will I do? I have no where to go, no one to talk to, I'm all alone. Still.

"Hello. Ho ar oo?"


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