Day in H***.

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We all have a crush. Well mine just happens to be the ONLY FREAKIN POPULAR BAD BOY at my school! Some girls would think that would be hot, well it is, but... HE's MY FREAKIN BULLY, AND THATS NOT HOT.


Ring, Ring, Ring

UGH...I hate waking up so early for school. None of my family but Jacoby know what I have to through at that h***whole. I hate it. I finally decided to get up. I looked at my clock, 5:00 A.M. No I'm not crazy. My moms a teacher.... AT MY SCHOOL😤😱! Yes I know, total embarrassment.

I made my way to my bathroom, undressed on the way there. Don't worry, my bathroom is connected to my room, so I'm safe. I hopped into the cold shower, waking me up more. Doing my business, and getting out to a loud BANG. Well Jacoby is up. Jacoby is my older brother.

I wrapped a towel around my body and hair, and walked to my room. Picking out what I'm going to wear. I pick out some light-washed jean shorts, a simple red V-Neck, and some red sandals. I laid my clothes on my bed, and got my matching red underwear and bra. I put those on, and one of Jacoby's big shirts that I take from him. I went back to my bathroom, hearing Jacoby blasting his music as he gets dressed. I start to blow dry my long long brown hair, that being the only natural thing today.

As soon as that's done, I do my makeup. Foundation, powered, eyeliner, and mascara. I walk back to my room, and get dressed. I spray perfume, put my shoes on, and go downstairs. I get an apple, eat it, and go back to my bathroom and brush my teeth.

By the time I get done brushing my teeth, it's time to go. I run downstairs, and jump on Jacobys back. We walk out to my moms car, and go to school.

~1st period~

As I walked to first period, I could hear the foot steps right behind me. I knew who they belonged to right away. ....Carter Mahone.

"Hey loser!" There go my books, and of corse he stares right at me- wait no. As I pick my books up, I feel a hand on my A$$. He better back his hands up, or else.

I get my books and stand up. I just stare right at him, as he just smirks at me.

"What do you want Carter?"

"I need you to do my homework for your moms class."

"Are you trying to get me grounded! If you turn it in with my handwriting, we'll both get in trouble, and what's makes you think I'll do your homework for you anyway?"

"First- I was gonna rewrite it, du. And second- if you don't, you'll be beaten." He said through his teeth. I really don't- there's Jacoby! Thank you god🙏!

"Jacoby!" He looked at me, and came right over, but turned angry when he saw Carter. Carter and Jacoby DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER, AT ALL.

"Mahone stay away from my sister!" Jacoby put me behind him. Yeah, like he will ever stay away from me, good one Jay!

"Your sister... My girlfriend!" Carter smirked as Jay turned to me. I was completely wide eyed when that came out. What the heck. I ain't dating you, I would if you were nice, BUT H*** TO THE NO!!!!!

"She ain't one of your little sl*ts, so if I were you I would back off!" Jay sneered at him. Wow, I've seen Jacoby mad before, but never this mad. His eyes turned completely black. And typical Carter, just standing there, smirking.

"Are you sure about that Jacoby!? She's extremely good in bed!" Lie, I'm still a virgin.

Jacoby was set off. He threw a punch at Carter, making him throw punches. I had to move or else I would get hit. Next thing I know, there's a freakin huge group around them screaming 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT'. What broke the fight up was my dad, and four teachers. Oh yeah, my dad's the football coach, witch Jacoby, AND Carter are on.

"EVERYBODY BACK TO CLASS! Karlie not you. Jacoby, Carter, Karlie, principles office now." My dad said with his big voice.

"Yes sir." I said, and walked with Jacoby to the office. Carter walked behind us, and with a good amount of space between us too. I can't believe Carter said I was his girlfriend, and that I was good in bed. IM A VIRGIN! GOD!

My crush. (Carter Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now