Jimin"Why would you dance like that. The boys think you are some slut."

"you like using the word slut"

He stopped talking.

He stared at me weirdly.He started to laugh a little.


Jimin"you really dont care"

"of course i dont,i have nothing to loose"

We stoped talking and he went on finishing his food.

I took my food and sat myself ouside.It was sunny and I enjoyed the summer weather.

I ate my food and read a book whilst I was eating.

After that I think I slept with my head on the table.




Its not easy being nice to her.I dont know why. I cant. It kind of shows weakness.

She looked so hot and sexy yesterday. Something is driving me to be with her.

She came to get some food.

I told her she looked like a Slut when she danced. But she wasnt one . We all knew what type of person she was and she was no slut. And people do that when they are drunk.

She got mad when i told her she looked like a slut. I didnt mean it.

She went outside.On the way i looked at her body.

I want her.

Really bad.

But this cant be happening. I never wanted someone. I can not show any weakness. I should have no feelings for no one.

She went oustide and after a while she laid her head on the table.

I went outside and it seemed like she was sleeping.

I sat beside her.

I laid my head on the table too. I looked at her face. She is so beautiful. How can I not love her.

What is happening to me.

But I cant hold back.

I touched her cheeck slowly. It was warm and soft. with my finger I traced her face features.

She gave a little cute smile. She seemed to enjoy it.

After a while She suddenly opend her eyes




I felt something Warm on my cheek.

 I felt a warm and soft feeling on my face. It felt good and I enjoyed it a lot.

After a while, I only realized it was unusual.

I Opened my eyes quickly and there was Jimin facing me with his Head and my head laying on the table.

I stared at him for a few seconds, his hand was still on my cheek. It was peaceful.

I quickly started to puzzle the situation and quickly stood up. I blushed. Very hard.

"WHAT the Hell are you do---"

He took my hand and pulled me down to sit down.

I was sitting and he was holding my hand. He then placed his hands on my waist. He came forward.

He looked at me and I was Hella confused.

He came nearer to me and started to slowly press his lips against my neck.
I couldn't respond. I was in shock.  And some part of me actually liked the warm sweet touch.

He started to give me kisses all over my neck. I was too shocked to react. He kept on giving cute little kisses and I started to like it a lot. I even closed my eyes and he noticed it with making his kisses more intense.

He made his Grip stonger on my waist and slowly pulled me to him so that our bodies slowly started to touch.

I suddenly realized the situationand and pushed him away.

I looked at him. I said noting and ran away to my room.

I locked the door and sat on the floor to think about what just had happend.

I was in true shock.

Does Park Jimin actually like me?

What the hell.

I still had the feeling of his touch on my neck. It still felt warm. And it did not feel wrong.

What is this feeling. No never. I can not have feelings towards him.



Jimin POV

She opend her eyes and somehow I wasn't too scared of her reaction.

She looked at me and I felt her cheecks getting warmer.

She maybe likes me too.

She suddenly stood up and at that moment i pulled her back down. I went forward to her.

I couldnt resist anymore. I couldnt resist her touch.

Her warm soft skin. I couldnt resist the feeling of touching her.

I had too.

I started to hold her Hips and kiss her on her neck part. I liked it a lot.

I didnt know what was happening to me but I just went with the flow.

For a second I looked up to see if she was enjoying it and yes she was. She had closed her eyes going with the rythm of my kisses. I decided to be more Intense and also pulling her more to me. I never felt this attracted to a person.

She suddenly pushed me away and I let go of her. She looked at me confused and ran away.

I felt weird.

What did I do. What was happening to me. 

I think she even liked it.

What is this.

I thought about the situaion.

I couldnt resist her.

But this is not me. I dont like this part of me. The part who shows weakness. How could I show her my Weakness.



Your POV

I got up and showered. I felt weird. Showering makes me feel good.

I watched netflix after that and finished a few of my Homework.

After that i felt tired.

I went to bed .

What was happening to me. Who is this Jimin really? Why did he kiss me so passionatley? Doesnt he hate me. Isnt he that type of boy who uses girls.

NO he can not use me. I am not the type to be used. I am not just some girl he can kiss and throw away.

Or does he really like me.

I dont know what to think.

After all these thoughts I fell asleep.

Tomorrow is school again.

School will not be the same as it used to be after all this drama.

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