There was a loud bang as the gun was fired but when I looked down at the handcuffs nothing had happened.

Gemma was still handcuffed to the pipes.

What kind of fucking handcuffs were these?

I quickly glanced around the room for anything else I could use and then my eyes landed on the little girl. Or more specifically her hair. She had two pink bobby pins in her hair.

I shot up and hurried over to her. When I knelt down next to her I tried to give her a reassuring smile. She looked terrified.

"Hey. I'm going to get you out of here okay? I just need to borrow one your hair pins. Is that okay?"

The girl just looked up at me and nodded.

I gently took one of the pins out of her hair and was about to go back over to Gemma but she shook her head.

"Get them out first." she said gesturing toward the boy with the piercing and the little girl.

I glanced between them before looking back at Gemma.

"How do you know your pipe won't go off next?" I asked.

Gemma shook her head. "I don't, but if it's going down the line then that means Dylan is next." She said as she looked down at the boy.

I gave her one last glance before I went over to the boy who I now knew was named Dylan.

As soon as I was in front of him he held his hand out as far as he could.

"Hurry man. I do not want to end up like that."

I didn't have to ask him to know that he was referring to the charred remains that used to be a person.

I quickly inserted the pin in the key hole on the cuffs and started to move it around. While I was concentrating on doing this I heard a groan and then a rattling sound come from behind me.

I turned my head to the pipe directly behind me and knew instantly what was coming.

"Hurry!" Dylan yelled.

"I'm trying!" I said through clenched teeth.

The groaning and rattling grew louder and Dylan started to yank his hands against the cuffs.

"Stay still!" I yelled.

"Hurry the fuck up! Hurry!" Dylan kept yelling.

My hands were starting to sweat and I was having a hard time holding the pin steady. After having it slip a few times I finally heard the audible click and the cuffs sprung open.

As soon as they were open Dylan dived out of the way knocking me over in the process as blazing hot steam poured from the pipe.

Even from a distance I could feel the heat. When the steam subsided I let out a sigh of relief. I glanced over at Dylan who was still laying on his stomach on the ground breathing heavily.

After wiping my hands on my jeans I stood and made my over to the little girl.

Silently she held her hands out and I began the process of opening the handcuffs all over again. I had almost gotten them open when I heard the familiar groaning and rattling that let me know the steam was about to come.

I hurried and doubled my efforts to try and free the little girl. It was only when the noise grew louder that I noticed it. The sound wasn't coming from the pipe in front of the little girl.

It was coming from Gemma's.

I looked over at her and our eyes met for a brief second before I was up and now fumbling with her handcuffs.

She stayed silent the whole time I was trying to unlock her handcuffs but I could tell she was scared from the way her hands kept shaking.

The next few seconds were a blur. At the same time that I heard the click that meant her handcuffs were now open was also when I heard the steam start to rush out of the pipe. I grabbed Gemma's wrist and yanked her forward with so much force that we both fell to the ground. She landed on top of me and I could feel her whole body trembling. She kept her head buried in my shirt and I let her stay that way.

I heard footsteps and when I looked up I saw Dylan standing over me. Without saying anything he bent down and took the pin out of my hand and went to go free the little girl.

While he worked on her handcuffs I felt Gemma lift her head off my chest. When I looked up at her she was staring back at me.

Without really thinking about it I pushed a strand of her dark hair out of her face and I could see an angry red mark across her left cheek where some of the steam must have hit her. It wasn't too bad but it still made me feel bad. I should have moved faster.

I opened my mouth to tell her exactly that but she shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. It was kind of an awkward hug with her still laying on top of me but I wasn't one to complain so I wrapped my arms around her back.

I heard someone clear their throat above us and when I glanced up I saw Dylan standing there with raised eyebrows. The little girl was standing next to him and she obviously wasn't trying to hide her smile as she was smiling from ear to ear.

When Gemma lifted her head again and saw that we had a bit of an audience her cheeks turned a slight  shade of pink and she quickly scrambled to her feet. I stood up and dusted my jeans off.

"Umm...we should get moving." She mumbled.

"Do you know the way out?" Dylan asked.

I shrugged. "Not really."

"I guess we'll just have to walk until we find it then." Dylan started forward followed by Gemma. I was about to follow when I felt a small hand grab mine. When I looked down I saw the little girl looking up at me smiling still. Her front tooth was missing.

"I knew it was true." She said.

I frowned. "What's true?"

The little girl glanced at Gemma and then back at me.

"Prince Charming does exist."

The Subway (Now Available on Amazon!) (Unedited Version on Wattpad) Where stories live. Discover now