{9} Too Careless for School

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"Boruto, you were so careless back then," Konohamaru Sensei said. "I'm always careless, according to you," I said and crossed my arms. "It has always been like that. Even if I get 99 out of 100 on a test, you say I could get higher. Even if I protected you yesterday, you say that I am too careless. What is the purpose of me getting to school if I do EVERYTHING wrong, according to you? Do you know the answer to that, Big Brother Konohamaru?". Some people started whispering things. "Look, if I do everything wrong, why am I even here? A Sensei should be proud of his student, no matter the incident and no matter the costs. Even if he didn't try hard enough, he still did try. The only thing that you're doing right now is cutting me off and being mad at me all day, but how does that even help me?! School is useless if I hear the same thing everyday. It's useless if I'm not allowed to save people and be a damned hero! I fight and protect because I want to be the strongest of Hidden Leaf! But I guess I'm not allowed to even save the people who are in need! It happens over and... over and... over and... over and over and over and over and over again! It's always been like that!".


Metal, Denki and Iwabe started sobbing. "I know I'm not always right about everything, but what... what is the purpose of all of this? If you know, please answer when you got the time... because I'm done here". I ran away. School is nothing more than useless if they don't even accept my heroic actions!


"Mom, didn't I tell you already that school is useless?," I asked. "... Konohamaru Sensei isn't even proud of me that I... that we all defeated this enemy who wanted to attack the school! He should be happy that it were for us! The school would be down in no time". "I understand that you feel like that, honey, but it isn't going to help if you consider to skip classes," mom said and tucked me into bed. Sometimes she does that because she never wants me to forget her and I won't. She and dad were the ones who gave me life, after all... after all. After all... "Amyways, good night Boruto. I need to tuck Himawari into bed too," Mom said and turned off the lights. "Good night".

"Goodmorning!". "Boruto... why are you so happy?," Sarada asked. "I just feel like it today! So, we're going to have some fun!," I said. "I thought you didn't want to attend classes anymore," Shikadai said. "I know, but my mom said it's no use to skip classes, so I guess I still need to go," I said. "But I want to graduate and become the strongest! And the protect Sarada when she is Hokage! Let's go!". "Alright, sure...," Shikadai said.

"Boruto, can I speak to you?". "Huh?!". I woke up from my imagination. "Could you repeat that, please?". "Can I speak to you?," Konohamaru Sensei asked. "Oh, of course, yes," I said and stood up. "Take your books with you, it will take a while". "Of course". Konohamaru Sensei thanked Shino Sensei and we went to the hallway.

"Here". Konohamaru Sensei gave me a paper cup with hot chocolate in it. "Let's take a walk in the woods, that will work better". "Don't I need to pay for it?," I asked and Konohamaru Sensei shook his head. "If anyone asks, just say it was a little present". "Alright, let's go!".

"That's why it often bothers me," I said. I kept switching the cup betweem my left and right hand and sometimes put it down, because it was very hot and I didn't want to burn my hands. Even though it slowed our walk down, it didn't matter. The weather was very nice and the sun was shining, and a stroll in the woods really clears your mind.

"I always wondered why no one ever compliments me if I did something," I said. "Do you know why, Konohamaru Sensei?". "Yes, I know. Very good, to be exact," Konohamaru Sensei said and took a sip from his tea. I wonder how people can like tea, it's so gross. Except tea with lemon in it, that flavor tastes very good!

"It is because you always put yourself into problems. You're a  varmint, after all. You do this for attention and don't show your feelings, but I know that it can hurt. Your father has been like this too," Konohamaru Sensei said. "That is true, but we defeated this enemy, Big Brother Konohamaru...," I said. "He would hurt us and maybe even kidnap us and what would people think of us if they knew?". "Nothing. But, Boruto". Konohamaru Sensei looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry to call you careless, it wasn't my meaning. Now I see how much it can be a trouble. You did very great, to be exact". "But how?!," I asked. "I watched you fighting and I must say, if you continue like this, you will be the strongest shinobi in no time," Konohamaru Sensei said and my face lit up. "Thank you so much, Big Brother Konohamaru! It really made my day!". I bowed down. "And why is that so? Please stop, you're making me nervous," Konohamaru Sensei said and patted me on the head. "Why? Is it because no one ever bows to you?". "No, it's because you're Boruto," he replied with a pokerface. "And the Boruto I know never bows". "Now I do," I said and chuckled. "You're such a pain in the ass... now I see why no one ever compliments you. You're really a varmint, after all...". "Hey!". Konohamaru Sensei chuckled. "Why are you so mean to me?!". "Sorry, couldn't resist". "You could but didn't because I'm a varmint, right?!," I asked but Konohamaru Sensei was quiet. A long silence came after that.

"I'll bring you home today..."

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