{3} Bedroom Trip

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"Hey," I said and greeted everyone. "Hey, how're you doing?," Shikadai asked on a weird tone and I giggled. "I'm... just fine, but I'm full, because I ate too much," I said. "You should keep it balanced," Inojin said and I looked at him. "I know that, but I just can't help it," I said. "I have an idea!". "And here he goes again," Iwabe said. "We can hold a bedroom trip!," I said. "What's a "bedroom trip"?," Inojin asked. "Since your house has multiple bedrooms, we can go hunting on other bedrooms, since we are parted. But before that, we hide candy and other things in the room. And the group who got the most candy and other things will get a prize!," I explained. "Nice," Shikadai said and smiled. "So. We're gonna do it?," I asked and made a fist of my hand. "Yeah!". Everyone's fists gathered.

When we were home, we ran to our room. I was with Shikadai and Inojin, as I said earlier. In a mere time of seconds, everyone was here too. "So, when does the bedroom trip start?," Inojin asked. "At midnight. And as the finishing touch, we will get Inojin's parents scared!," I said. "My parents? Will they like it? What if they send us to bed?," Inojin asked. "Inojin, don't worry," Shikadai said. "This bedroom trip will be fun, I promise!".

"Time has come!," I said through a walkie talkie. Yes, we explored Inojin's room and I found it. Sarada is the leader of the girls, I'm the leader of this group and Iwabe is the leader of the other squad. "Iwabe, are you... ready?," I asked. No reply. "Hey, Iwabe". "Yes, I'm... ready," Iwabe said. "And Sarada?," I asked. "I am... too!," Sarada said. "And besides... where did you find... these?". Stupid tripping walkie talkies. Hmph. "We found it under... Inojin's bed," I said. "Now you got... your answer. Let the... bedroom trip start!".

I threw the walkie talkie away and went out of the room with Shikadai and Inojin. We went downstairs, since Inojin's home has 3 floors. We saw Sarada's squad also downstairs. "Hey. Aren't you going to play?," I asked. "Yes, but we weren't done yet. I saw you weren't replying, so I left it," Sarada said. "Oh. Sorry. I was excited," I said. "Maybe too excited," Shikadai said and we laughed. "Then we'll check the other rooms," I said. "But we'll be right back". "I'll watch you," Sarada said. "I'll watch you too," I said on a weird tone and went upstairs, since Shikadai and Inojin already left.

"Do you know where Shikadai and Inojin are?," I asked when I passed Iwabe. He had a bunch of candy in his hands. "They went upstairs. I heard that they were waiting for you," Iwabe said. "Thanks," I said and took a lollipop, which was at the top of the huge pile of candy. "Hey!". I laughed and ran upstairs. "Hey!," I said. "How're you doing?," Shikadai asked and we giggled. "Wow, Boruto, you got a lollipop?," Inojin asked and I nodded. "Let's get inside, then," Shikadai said ans opened the door. Nobody was there, but we saw a lot of candy. We grabbed all we could see and went back.

We dropped the sweets in the middle of the room. "We need to get more," I said. "There is a day that my parents will kill me and then it's all your fault," Inojin said and I chuckled. "Sorry, Inojin," I said. "But we need to hide it on a good place, so that no one can steal it," Shikadai said. "But what is a good place to hide candy from others?," I asked. We looked around for a while.

"I have no idea," I said."We can contact the others," Shikadai said and I nodded. I picked up the walkie talkie that was near Inojin's bed. "Hey... anyone here?". "Yes... I'm here," Denki said. "I'm here too," Sumire said. "Hey. I just want... to tell you that... you should put all... your candy in a box... so that the others know... that you claimed... the candy. And to be more... detailed, write on the box... 'Claimed Sweets'," I explained. "Understand?". "Y-yes, I'll tell it... to S-Sarada-chan... right now!," Sumire stuttered. "I'll tell it... to Iwabe," Denki said. "Cool," I said and threw the walkie talkie away. Again. "Well, let's go hunting again!".

"Boys, stop right there," we heard someone saying. Crap, Inojin's father caught us. "H-hey dad, how're you doing today?," Inojin asked and waved. Shikadai and I waved too. "What kind of sorcery is this?," Inojin's father asked. "Candy sorcery! We have magic!," I said and threw the candy that I had in the air. "Candy sorcery? That doesn't even exist. What is the meaning of this?," Inojin's father asked. Is it alright if I just call him Sai?

"Hey there. Hello, mister Yamanaka," Mitsuki said. "Hey Mitsuki, the only one who doesn't plays this childish game," Sai said. "I think you should be more like him". "But dad," Inojin said. "No buts, Inojin. Head to your room," Sai said. "But the others did...". Inojin tried to finish his sentence, but it was already cut by his father. "Head to your room, all of you. Right now," Sai said. "Fine, fine," Inojin said. I picked up the candy as fast as I could and went to our room without a word.

"This is unfair," Inojin said sadly. "I knew this would happen". He looked at me with his soft blue eyes. "Hey, Inojin," I started. "I'm sorry to disappoint you AND your father. It wasn't my meaning to. I dragged you all in this". "It's okay. At least we have candy that we can enjoy," Inojin said. "That's the spirit!," I said. "But where's Shikadai?". He was sitting next to the box and was eating candy. "I just couldn't wait," he said and we laughed. I crawled to the box. "Baby," Shikadai said and I laughed. "Yes, I'm a very big baby of 12 years old," I said and laughed. At least we got all this candy for ourselves. 

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