{5} Kagura Karatachi

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"I'll be your guide from today. I'm Kagura Karatachi," the guide said and bowed down. A few girls started squeeling. "Why are they like that?," I asked. "And why did I become the field trip leader?". "I nominated you to be the leader to prevent you from going off on your own and making trouble. All so that we can have a fun trip," Sarada said. "That's so underhanded! Is that befitting a woman who's gonna become the Hokage?," I asked. Sarada made a weird pose and I did the same. "It's not funny!," I said and started chasing Sarada, since she started running. "You're so mean!". She kept giggling and it was getting on my nerves. She was already running away from me and giggling at the same time is reaching my limit. It's so annoying when she does that. "Sarada, I'm tired, just calm down," I said while catching my breath. "Your condition is very bad," Sarada said. "You're so mean to me! Did you even learn matters?," I asked. "Of course, who wouldn't?," Sarada asked and patted me on the head. "And besides, you're the leader, so don't be so childish!," Sarada said. "What about me is childish?," I asked. "What's not childish about you?," Sarada asked and facepalmed herself. "Hmph! Fine, fine, I'll do whatever you please," I said. It was quiet again and the guide started leading us around. It's so sad that he got distracted too, but at least we were going on.

"And lastly, this is the hall where you can hang out whenever you like. You can even get free drinks!," Kagura (our guide) said. "That was it. Do you have any questions?... no? That's good!". Slowly our classmates were leaving to explore Hidden Mist some more. "Hey, guide!," I shouted. "Boruto, what're you doing?," Shikadai asked. "Don't worry," I said. "Hey!". Kagura slowly approached us. "Firstly, I want to tell you that you're so cool!," I said and Kagura smiled. "And, I want to spar with you". "Why would I do that? I don't want to hurt you," Kagura said. "It's okay, I have my skills and strategies!," I said. "If you say so. There's a training field near your rooms, let's go to that one," Kagura said. "Cool! Thank you so much!," I said and giggled. "Wow, I like how you can become friends with everyone. Seriously everyone," Inojin said and I smiled. "Yes..".

"Wow! This field is so cool!," we said at the same time. "Every trainig field looks like this. We wanted to make it attractive to any of our guests," Kagura said. "Well, you definitely know how to make something attractive!," Mitsuki said and we laughed. "And you're far my favorite guide. All the other ones are so boring, but you're different. You're so cool and, and man, I don't know what to say, I'm flooded with coolness!," I said. "Can you stop talking for a while?". Of course that was Iwabe. "Jeez, okay," I said. "Who wants to get first?," Kagura asked. "I do!," we shouted at the same time. Everyone started to talk again while Kagura tried to make us quiet again.

"That means that I need to choose," he said after it was silent. "But you all seem pretty strong...". "Then choose Boruto," Metal said. "He's the one who came up with this idea. We wouldn't be here right now if he didn't get your attention". "That's right. He's also very strong...," Shikadai said. "Then let's go, one-on-one battle starts now!," Denki shouted out of nowhere and the room was filled with our dumb laughing within seconds. "Let's start... Kagura, what's wrong?," I asked when I saw that Kagura was comepletely frozen except his hands, which were shaking. "Kagura, what happened? We'll help you!," Metal said. "I'm... I'm... just scared," Kagura said and dropped his sword. "I can't do this. You all looked so happy. I didn't want to make you sad. It's just... that I once hurt my master and it left a nasty cut on his chest. Since then I am scared to wield a sword, you know. That's what I wanted to tell you...". "We'll help you!," I said. "Don't worry". "You can't. It happened years ago, when the Hidden Mist was known as the Blood Mist Village," Kagura said. "Many innocent people were killed...". "Why would people even do that? It's awful!," I said. "Your father also killed a person," Inojin said. "That is different. I'm not that type of person who kills other people," I said. "Whatever you say," Inojin said. "What's the name of your master? I'm going to give him some painful attacks!," I said. "Turn around. He's there," Kagura said and pointed at the gate. A fish-like man and some other people entered the field. He had black hair and blue eyes, followed by red clothing. The whole gang had red clothes. "Kagura...," the fish-like man said and stepped forward. "Shizuma...".

So now we know his name is Shizuma. "Kids, stay back," Kagura said. "Aren't you going to use your sword?," Metal asked. "Don't worry about me," Kagura said. "Well, who have we here? Little kids from which village?," Shizuma asked and I made fists of my hands. "We're from the Hidden Leaf!," I said angrily. "Please Shizuma, leave them," Kagura said. "They're awesome children". "I see...," Shizuma said. "If you want to do something to them, do that to me instead. They're young. They need to finish school first. Let them first become ranked before you do something to them," Kagura said. "He's so caring," Inojin said. "Yeah! Denki even got kidnapped by one of you, lads!," I said. "But Kagura and the others saved me," Denki said. "Enough talking, this is a fight between me and you, Kagura," Shizuma said and drew his sword. "Do you want this to happen again or what?". He showed the scar that Kagura mentioned earlier. That was... well, uhm... just as Kagura described. Yes, it was. Kagura slowly fell on the knees, right before his sword that he dropped. "Shizuma, I don't want this... you know that I'm scared to wield a sword...," he said softly. "I don't want to fight you... I don't want to hurt you again... I don't want that these children... follow the heartbreaking path that I once followed...".

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