•Time For Trouble•

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My hands were in the midst of pulling down on my cheeks, as if I had been trying to rip them off completely. I couldn't believe who's face that I'd just seen.

Dean? As in..Influenza? Bonnie and Clyde!!!!

How the hell, did I ever get to come so close-with someone like him? I get up to for my phone again, making sure that there were no scratches or injuries from its toxic battle with gravity. When I saw the three second video of him smiling, I couldn't help but feel every bit of my insides melt.
His face was gorgeous. And it'd been so obvious, that every little detail i'd outt in my phone under his contact information was in fact his. I was so pumped, near PISSING MY FUCKING PANTS-- only thing that I felt bad about was not remembering how I got his number in the first place. Right as I was about to reply to him, a check the banner from the corner of my eye fill-continuously wity pop up notifications. They started to absolutely flood the screen of me cellphone.
The nonstop sounds ringing and vibrating had me even more concerned. I exited the DM's window and examined the massive flood of notifications, to see what they'd been about; my jaw dropped. We were all over netizens fan pages. If this kept up-it would affect radio stations. Soon enough, what, news channels? The very company we work for would be in for a huge shock. And, GD's reputation. I te8st my lips, holding onto the sides of my phone in peril and remorse. It would have been my fault if anything else. It didn't help, even a little bit- that he actually meant to kiss me earlier an hour ago. "What the literal fuck am I going to do?"

In short response, I told Dean that I'd been busy; and we came to the mutual agreement that sasaengs had ruined lives of many idols before. He understood, and didn't take anything that happened-- whatever had happened-- to heart. But, why would I even care about something like that?

Am I really that horrible of a friend? I slapped my hand on my forehead, sighing ashamed of myself just then.

"Sorry, Jiyong..."

Just as I failed to realize on the other hand-GD'd still been hurt; I think that new music video of his I'd going to have a two-week postponement now. All cus' of this crap. I turn my head away from my cell, and scan the bedroom for the moment to see if I can spot GD. "Jiyong?" I called for him as I roamed the halls of his fancy; expensive apartment. I took my steps slow and very cautiously. Thoughts of regret had become even more apparent to me now. I didn't want to be a burden. Or to become a hypocrite-or-anything else, for basically telling him to go and 'fuck himself'. GD was still my mentor and my best friend. Let's just hope that he still thinks so, too.

Coming to a close stood on one 9f the many doors on this floor alone, I'd spot an actual closed one-considering that he never even so much as attempted, to close doors. Putting away my phone, I make light haste. After I placed my hand on the surface of it, I knock gently and grin.

But the door creaked open, from that itty bitty weight-applied to it by my hand. Then here's me! I walked in on him in the bathroom, sitting on the lid of the toilet...with his pants down. Not for any of the odd reasons, either. He had a glass of wine poured out in one of his hands and large vintage bottle of wine in the other; of course he'd been drinking. "At nine in the morning?" I cover my mouth a little too late. And he hadn't even noticed me yet.

I watch as his head turned to face the door, eyeing seeing right through the crevice. Yeah, here goes me bothering him. Me...and my sasaenf like tendencies, to approach an odol's bathroom and watch him drnkbaway his sorrows on his own toilet. God, do I feel awkward as fuck right now
He stirred the glass of wine, turning away. Gee, thanks.
"Eojinnie-ah..." I could hear the sheer disappointment in his voice loud and clear. I wish I could just take back what happened.
"Can I come in?"
"Wae? So you can just leave again?" His laugh was full of sarcasm. "No-no. NO hard feelings. I was just kidding."
He laughed, sounding as if he was beginning to fall deep. I caused him to seek refuge in alcohol?
This, indefinitely, blows.
"GD, please." I pause, flicking my hand up as I'd lost the next few words I was about to say. "Look at all the damn notifications. I only did it for your safety as well as your well-being."
"I don't care about that!" He yelled.
"SO what?! The rumors will be just rumors. Besides, you didn't kiss me. We're safe! How would anyone know?"

That hurt.I couldn't tell you why, but it did.

No way, was I staying here. What am I thinking? I'm gonna get him killed.

"That's, okay." I started with a smile. It was more of a grin, laced with disappointment. Not at him. But at myself. How would our relationship even be, now? "If you don't want to let me in, then I can just leave." Without a second left to even hear his response, I go back over to Jiyong's bedroom and take out my things. I pack them up in a random bag that I had found earlier and placed in the coner of his room; probably an old shopping tote no doubt. Afterwords, I throw it over my shoulders and head for the front exit like nobody's business. For whatever reason, as I first set foot outside-I decide to wait. For some reason, I wait.

Knowing that he'd just let me go.

Then, I take a minute to look around the front yard. A chilling realization has hit me just then. There was sudden, immense fear.

Did I really want to die today? Yeah, maybe. I march myself all the way down the steps onto Jiyong's front yard, in nothing but an oversized plain-white tee. So one could only, imagine what I felt like next afterwards-having a dark car come out from the and roll up beside me. Mind you, in nothing but a large shirt....

I fasten my pace following the vehicle from the corner of my eye. As I make with haste, so does the driver of the vehicle. What the hell? I try to run fast and outrun the car. Then the following would begin to repeat itself. Next thing I knew, as anxiety and adrenaline pump through my veins. I find myself hopping fences Into other people's yards. That was when the vehicle had started running down neighborhood fences. I start screaming for someone to help me, but everyone had started chasing me once they recognized my face.

I should've stayed my ass inside.

A dark maroon van cut me off from my path. The window rolled down, revealing a tidy nicely dressed woman. I recognized that face anywhere.
"Come with me if you want to live." It was Park Sandara.
The slide door'd opened up and I saw the whole crew: Koko, Achara, Haneul, Areum, and Biyu. "Girl where you been!" Haneul and Koko both pull me in the back, slamming the door shut. Sandara slammed her foot down on gas pedal.

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