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There is only a week left before the twins arrival and up and until now they both developed beautifully. Eddie and I finally decided what we want to call them. Our first born will be called Bruce Brandon Williams and our second son will be called Brett Carl Williams. In honor of my uncle and nephews and of course my father middle name, Carl. Eddie being so great just keep telling me how beautiful I look even though I feel like an elephant. Everything is ready Eddie work so hard to get the nursery ready and perfect.

He did not want me to be caught in the room with bad paint fumes when he was busy painting the room. So I just kept my distance and let him go about his business. I got some of my work done. New sketches for a new project that will go up in the city of Pretoria. I send the drawings via courier while I'm working from home. Eddie doesn't want me to drive while I'm almost ready to deliver.

Two weeks pass and still, no twins have arrived. Then one morning I was getting up to empty my bladder and on my walk back to bed when my water broke and a short time later my first contraction started. I looked over at the clock and it was 04:30 AM. I woke Eddie and with him running around like a headless chicken I was cool and calm, two hours later we are finally leaving for the hospital and our way to the hospital Eddie phoned Dr. Wallis. Many painful hours later Bruce decided it was time to meet the sun and was born 15:10 PM on the 14 of December.

Brett was born only 10 minutes after Bruce. Feeling so exhausted I first feed my twins, got them in their clothes then rocked them to sleep. After they were taken care of I fell asleep. Eddie took a ton of pictures while I slept. He only sends a picture of Bruce and the time he was born with what he weight to my parents. They are so thrilled that they are grandparents. They have always nagged me for years and now finally they are grandparents.

The following day all three of us have been released from hospital and is busy getting settled in at home. Mom and dad let us know that they will come and visit us in two weeks for a week to come and see their grandson.

I just got in as much rest as I could I know the evening will be tough with the boys going to keep me up a great deal. So when the twins take their naps I do as well. Eddie left to go pick my parents up from the airport. And when they arrived I help mom get settle. She just wants to burst into the nursery and I had to stop her. Eddie and I finally got them both together.

'Mom, dad in here is a surprise for you and we really hope you like it.' Eddie said holding me in his arms. They open the nursery door and their faces were washed in pure shock but their shocked faces quickly turned into megawatt smiles.

'Why haven't you told us, honey?' Mom said picking Brett up.

'We only found out later ourselves and decided to keep it as a surprise for you. This little knucklehead lay behind his brother and we couldn't even see him till he got bigger.'

'They are both so beautiful, just like their mother and father.' Dad just clicked away with his camera. We lay the boys back down and we all head out to the living room where we all got talking. Mom and dad can't get over how they are now two grandsons richer. They loved that we used family names for them. The guys later set out to the shops to go and buy some things for a braai and mom and I started on the salads and I got a quick bread mix together and pop it in the oven.

I was waiting for it to bake and while we waited the boys woke up and I sat down to feed them and mom burped them and rock them back to sleep. When mom lay Bruce down the bread in the oven was ready and the guys got a normal wood fire going for our braai. With everything ready in the kitchen we just wait for the men with the meat. Around the lunch table, we all talked and caught up on all family matters. The rest of my parents stay was great, but near the end, I was just glad they were going back home. Having the twins was hard work as is and having guest was twice as much work.

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