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Author's notes: Please, vote, comment and this story with your friends. Enjoy!


The next few months we both got really busy. And Eddie passed his real estate exams with flying colors and is now a full fletch real estate agent, and is really busy. I barely saw my man over the past couple of months. I am just glad he is doing well in business. I was coming from a meeting in Santon when a mini bus taxi out of nowhere bumped my car and rolled my car on the highway. My emergency contact persons on my phone is Eddie and then my parents. I was out cold and laying on my side in my car. Lucky for me I was securely strapped in when my car rolled. Everything around me went so quiet and then I heard and saw nothing anymore.

I opened my eyes and I was in a hospital, with Eddie and my parents. I looked around and saw everyone sit around my bed.

'Hi, guys.' I said trying to sit up very painfully.

'Don't move angel.' Eddie said and pushed me back down on my pillows.

'What happened?' I asked Eddie while he took my hand.

'You were driving back from your meeting when a mini bus taxi's rear wheel drum broke and knocked your car end over end. You were badly hurt, love. You have a fractured skull, broken ribs and a broken right leg. You lost a lot of blood and... ' He trailed off, and I could see the pain in his eyes.

'What is it, angel?'

'You had a very bad heart attack because of the blood loss, honey.' Mom said after a long time.

'That explains why it felt like an elephant sat on my chest.'

'Yes.' Eddie said cupping my face. I just leaned my head into his hand.

'Oh, Nadine I thought you left me.'

'No never.' I said looking up at him. He bends down and gave me a kiss.

'Rest now you must be tired, love.' Eddie said and kissed my forehead again.

'Yes, I am a bit tired.' I said and fell asleep. I heard him took up a seat next to my bed. Mom and dad left. Darkness took me completely and I float down in its soft bouncy depths. When I emerge from the depths I was in a different part of the hospital. Eddie sat with his head in his hands, he looks near tears. I feel so weak, but this time I could barely move any part of my body.

'Hi.' I said in a weak tired voice.

'Oh, my love. How are you feeling?'

'I feel so weak and really tired. Where are my parents?'

'They had to leave to go back to Durban, but they made me promise to phone them twice a day to give them updates on you.'

'Oh.' I said and Eddie held a straw for me so I can drink some water. It was really welcoming.

'Thank you. Where am I now?'

'The ICU.'

'For how long?'

'Almost 2 weeks. Altogether 4 weeks.'

'What? I've been here a month?'

'Yes, you got worst really fast.'

'I'm so sorry.'

'Sorry for what angel?'

'For making you worry so much.'

'You just rest and get better.'

'Okay.' I said and tiredly kissed his hand. I closed my eyes again and fell soundly asleep. That evening when I woke up I ate for the first time in a month. Even if it is just some clear soup. Eddie was just glad I sat up and ate something. My ribs seem to be healing well with me laying flat like this all the time. The days that follow I got better and better. I was finally released the following week and now back at home, my heaped up work was waiting for me.

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