'You are most kind, Nadine.'

'When is your flight and to where will you be flying to?'

'It is tomorrow morning at 09:30 AM and we'll both be flying back to Johannesburg, South Africa.' He just nods his head. After our wonderful dinner, we head back to my large suit. Since I only have a double bed we each got into our prospective sides and lay till we finally fell asleep.

I was up early the next morning and went for a run and when I got back he was still sleeping soundly. I took a shower and got dressed in my travel outfit. I ordered a nice decent breakfast for the both of us. I went to wake the perfectly sleeping Edward up with a nice cup of coffee.

'Edward.' I cooed him awake.

'Samantha?' He said as he opens his eyes, then rubbing his eyes as he sat up. I felt my heart sunk into my shoes. His fiancé was called Samantha, how can I forget that. Of course, she is also dead now. His whole situation is just so sad.

'Sorry, Edward, I'm not Samantha. I have brought you some coffee and there is breakfast in the front room, then we need to pack so we can get back to South Africa.' He looked so sad when he realized he really doesn't have a fiancé anymore and I can really see he loved her very much. I don't think I could ever take her place at all. I am only helping a mere royal. We ate and got packing. I was packing the last of my things when he walked out all cleaned up and shaven from the bathroom. In silence, we head out and drove to the airport.

We board our plane and soon after we all boarded we took off to the sky. Saw him look out the window and he looks so blue. What can one say to someone who really lost everything in his whole life, to cheer him up? I rather kept to myself. Four hours later we circle over Johannesburg then head for the O.R. Tambo international airport, where we finally landed. We got our bags and head to where I left my car a week ago. I settle my parking bill and we head out. Edward pushed our trolley with our luggage on it. He insisted on loading our luggage into the trunk of my car. We got buckled up and I drove us to Birchwood Lodge, in a town called Boksburg.

'What are we doing here?' He asked me.

'I want to book us in here if you want to go back to your home. This way we're close to the airport if you want to fly back.'

'Nadine, there is really nothing to go home to. Everyone I ever knew and loved is gone. I'll like to stay in your country if it is okay.'

'But of course, it is okay. Very well since you are staying, we need to go get you something's you'll need.' We drove to the pharmacy where we got him all his toiletries, he'll need and then drove to the East Rand Mall where we got him a whole new wardrobe from underwear to casual clothes and work suits. We finally drove to my house, where we got unpacked and got Edward settled in. I have a whole closet that stood empty for years and now they can eventually be used. I started on our laundry in the laundry room and soon had to make us something for lunch. Edward is wandering through the house.

'You live alone here in this big house?'

'Yes, I bought this place from my parents who's staying in Durban now with the rest of my family down there. All my work is up here in Johannesburg. There really not a lot of work in Durban although it really is a beautiful part of the country.'

'Never been there before.' He said and took a seat as I got busy with our lunch.

'Maybe we can go visit my family in a few weeks. I really miss them all, I'm the only one left here in Johannesburg.' I explained as I lay our lunch out on the plates.

'That would be really nice to meet your family.' He said and took up his lunch and we both started to eat our lunch. After our lunch, we set out to sit around the pool and soak up some sun. I fell asleep in the deck chair. Edward woke me and told me we should rather head back inside before I end up looking like a tomato. Later the evening we took a swim and it was a welcoming one since this is an out of source hot summer. By the looks of my garden, it haven't been raining since I left for Rwanda. I got out leaving Edward swimming as I started to spray my garden a little.

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