Simply Them (Ft. Special Guest)

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So I decied to have fun! Typically people forget that there's different types of people who attend HBCUs and I was like why not be inclusive? So I hope you all enjoy this special guest. He's a favorite of mine and I hope yall enjoy the plot twist concerning him I put! The song above was a song that I listened to while writing this so yeah! And I forgot that the HBCU they attend is NCAT.

Disclaimer: Apologizes if the said groups in here actually have one by that specific name. I made it up and I in no way am trying to portray them in this.

 I made it up and I in no way am trying to portray them in this

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He was always apart of her dreams, he always pushed her to do better. It was something about the man that always stood out to her. She was never one to see herself with someone outside of her race. But yet....he made her heart flutter. He brought her to a joy that nobody had ever brought her. It was like he was a Godsend man and she counted him twice when she talked about her blessings.

Thinking about the moment she first saw him her heart sped up, she stared at him as he made his way around campus. He was too beautiful and she didn't know how to feel about that. Making her way towards her friend she tapped his shoulder with a little aggression.


"What Anastasia?"

"Who's he?" She asked pointing at the young man

"Who Jimin?"

"Yes, him."

"Oh that my friend. We're suitemates. He's introverted but he's one of the homies, met him the first week of school and all of us took him under our wing.  Why you asking?"

"He's so beautiful."

"You got jungle fever, sis?"

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