Chapter 16

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"Edrei, will it take more than a month?" I ask him while he is busy packing his stuffs up.

I am sitting pretty on his soft couch with my arms on both side.

"The doctor says it will be just a month," he answers.

I stand up and head to the tons of movies he has and scan each of them to find something worth watching. Then I found The Fault in Our Stars. I set up the DVD player and the flat screen television before I return to the couch and watch the movie.

I look at him. He is done and just zipping the bag he'll bring. "Are you sure these are not yours?" I am referring to the CDs.

He shakes his head and stands up, "They belong to a special friend of mine." I don't know why but I feel like something thorns my heart when he calls a friend aside from me as "special." I hope I could be one, too.

I stay quiet while watching the movie. Halfway of it, my tummy complains and it boils. I stand up and find his refrigerator. Upon opening it, lots of food embraced my eyes. Slurp! I feel like my pupils dilate as I touch some of them.

"You are so rich, Ed. Can I get some food here?" I ask for permission but I am already holding a small bucket of ice cream.

He organizes his bags before sitting on the couch, "Yeah."

I go back to my recent seat with the ice cream on my hand. "Is that your favorite movie?"

"No! I told you they are not mine," he said while laughing.

I eat a spoonful of ice cream before speaking again, "But why do you keep those if they are not yours?"

He sighs and leans on the other side of the couch with his head on the arm of it. "I'm still hoping she'll come back here," he whispers.

From the ice cream, my eyes switches to Edrei whose arms are now under his head. Who is she?

"You haven't mention anything about her before," I said.

He didn't speak. I don't know if he is sleeping or just ignoring my statement because of his shades. I only knew he is still awake when the corners of his lips curve.

"Because I don't have to," my heart aches when he said that. It's like he is saying that I am not important for him to tell me things such as that girl. I lean my back on the couch and put my feet up and my legs near each other. I put the ice cream on top of my knees but I am still holding it.

This movie is one of my favorites but I am not enjoying it now. His words are so powerful that it can switch my moods easily.

"I'm hungry," he sits and moves closer to me.

Edrei extends his hands to search for me and when he reached my shoulder, his hands travel to my hands which is holding the ice cream.

The second he is about to touch it, I bring it up away from him. "Woah. What's that all about?" He complains.

I roll my eyes. I wish he could see how pissed off I am. "Get your own. You already gave me this so get your own." My chest is tighten but my heart is beating fast freely.

He chuckles, "Just a spoon."

"No," I mumbled like a child.

"Oh c'mon, Becca. I just want to remind you I am going to leave tonight," he said.

"So what?" My voice is showing some hint of annoyance.

He sits straight but still close to me. I can feel his skin touches mine and heard him smirked. "You want me to leave remembering this treatment of yours?"

I keep silent. He wants to catch my conscience so I would be nice to him and give him the ice cream. But no. Three fourths of me advises me to pretend mad so he will be sorry for what he said until I forgive him.

"Why are you so ill-tempered, Becca?" He asks but his voice is husky.

I keep my eyes on the television. "I hate you." After saying that, I heard him laugh as if there is no tomorrow. Why would I say that? I don't know. Ugh. I am being childish right now and I don't like it.

"I knew it! I knew it, Becca," he shouted.

I give him the most confused look I can show, "Know what?"

He moves even closer and put up his right arm. I found it hanging on my right shoulder while he leans his head on the other one. "You're jealous."

I shrug my shoulders to get his hand off but it is still there. I pout with my brows furrowed. "Why would I?" I ask.

"Then why are you acting like that?" His voice returns to being husky.

I eat a spoon of ice cream before putting the bucket on the glass table. "Who's the girl?"

"Got yah! You're really jealous and just acting you're not." He chuckles and screams.

He removed his hand from my shoulder and I gasp when he held my left hand. At first, he is only playing with my fingers but gradually, he fits his fingers into mine and squeezes it.

"She is my ex-girlfriend. Those movies belong to her and I am not keeping them inside a box because I am still hoping she'd come back here to get them. That's all, Becca. Nothing is malicious," he said while doing his favorite thing on my hand. He is squeezing it many times as he rubs his thumb on it.

I smile. He tried to explain and I found it sweet. Perhaps he wanted me to understand that everything about him and his ex-girl friend is over. I wonder who she is and why did they break up.

"Then why you refer her as someone special?" I interrogate.

He giggles and sniffs, "She was."

Somehow I feel relieved. I thought there is another girl who is making him laugh aside from me. My attention was gotten by the ending sound coming from the television.

Gosh, the movie is over yet I only watched half of it. Edrei laughs again and tickles me for few seconds.

"Because of your drama, you have not watched the whole movie," he said.

"Nah. I've already watched it before so it's not really a big deal." And besides, I enjoyed talking to you even it didn't make any sense. I laugh within my mind because of what I am thinking.

"Five pm," he reminds me. I look at the wall clock and noticed that he is right. He stands up and walk to his room. After few minutes, I saw him getting out of his room and is already ready.

"You're leaving now?" I ask him curiously. It's two hours before his leave so why is he wearing those?

He gropes for his stick and heads near the door where his shoes can be found. He chose a brown leather shoes and it looks amazing on him. After that, he goes near me, where his bags are to get them. I helped him bringing the one bag which is quite heavy.

"Where are you going?" I ask him after he locked the door.

He grins, "Where everything started."

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