Chapter 10

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The sun is setting. It is four p.m. when I decided to visit Edrei in his room. He is now setting the television and DVD player so we can watch the movies. He gave me tons of disk as my options. After syncing the disks, I picked up The Longest Ride and Dear John which are two of my favorite movies. I wonder why he does have these kind of movies.

"Are you a fan of romance?" I unbelievably ask him.

He just finished taking his bath so right now, he is only wearing boxers and a towel is wrapped around his back. I can't stop my eyes from wandering through his body. His hair is still wet and I can see droplets of water falling on the floor. This is also the first time I saw his broad shoulders and his masculine arms and the six pack of abs right down his chest. While my eyes travel down his belly, I feel so hot. The lowness of his boxers' garter is enough for me to see almost of his manly muscles down there. I bite my lips as I stare at his thing. OH MY GOSH, Rebecca! What do you think you are you doing?!

I look away swiftly and prevent myself from bursting out. This is actually the first time I had stared on a guy's... hmm nevermind.

Edrei holds the towel and remove it from his back. He used it to dry his hair up.

"No. Those are not mine," he said.

I am about to speak but then he bends over the DVD player which caused me seeing the top of his butt.

GOSH! My eyes! My innocent eyes!

Rapidly, I pull my feet up the couch and lean on my legs as I face palm. I don't wanna burst out! He would think I am a maniac!

"W-Why do you have t-them?" I said over my palm so it sounded like weird.

I heard him walks towards me. The foam of the couch moves which means he is now sitting beside me.

I remove my palm and move my head upwards to look at him. Again, my eyes travel down his body. Unfortunately, his back is leaning on the arms of the couch with his legs folded at the front of his chest and it made me see his thighs.. and briefs. OMG. I am so bad! I am taking advantage of his situation. Am I bad? No, I am not!

"They are from someone," he uttered.

I stop giggling and sit properly but I can still feel the redness of my cheeks. I feel guilty. I've just abused his dignity.

The movie starts playing so I put my eyes on the television.

"A friend?" I ask.

He gasps, "Sort of." Then none of us two speaks again. Seems like he is focused in watching Dear John, or hearing it rather.

Halfway of watching the second movie, my phone alarms. I get it out from my pocket and turn it off.

"What time is it, Rebecca?" He asks.

I look at my phone, "6:15. Why?"

"What's the alarm all about?" He asks again.

I put my phone in my pocket and sit sideward. "For personal routine."

He nods while laying his back at the couch and his head on the arms of the couch. I cough incidentally to get his attention.


He puts his arm under his head and the other one on his belly, "Hmm?"

"I-I want to come to the party," I said nervously. I just hope this will work.

It took a minute for him to answer, "You can go with your friends." I want to tell him that I don't consider my group mates as my friends yet.

I sigh, "If I come with them, it will turn out that I am just a chaperone. They will come by partners, Edrei."

He sits up, "I'm sorry. I don't have time for parties."

He stands up but before he turns his back to me, I tell him, "But you do have time for me, right?"

He froze because of what I said, me as well. I don't have any idea why I'd say that. That's out of my script.

He gropes for his stick, "I do but not with that party."

I stand up and pull my shirt down, "But we only have the chance once."

"If you want, I will call Dad so he can be your partner," he said and chuckled.

I draw my brows together, "Ed??"

He scratches his head, "You don't want him to be your date?"

"No! I mean.."

"Okay? I will call him," he started to walk to his bedroom but I held his stick.

"Edreiiiiii?" I murmured like a child that's why he laughed at me again.

He really enjoys making fun of me! Maybe this is his way of revenge for times that I had shocked him.

He faced me and waved his hand on the air, "Fine! We'll stay there for fifteen minutes."

My eyes widened. He must be joking! "What's the purpose of going there if we just have fifteen minutes?"

He points me out, "See? Attending that welcome party is nonsense."

I pouted. I hope he isn't blind so he could see it.

"One hour," I fight back.

"That's too much."

I smack my lips quietly, "Fifty minutes?" But he shakes his head.

"Forty five?" He smiles and shows his thumb pointing down.

I frown, "Forty! Forty is enough! Please?"

He walks to his bedroom, "Thirty."

My shoulders fell down as he closed the door. What can we do there within half an hour? What kind of person he is? He is so hard headed! I wonder how Mr. Edward and his brother can deal with his attitude.

I knock on his door, "Edrei? Forty minutes, at least. Please?"

I can hear the cracking sound coming from his cabinet. He must be looking for something to wear.

I knock again, "Forty. I said forty and that would be it!"

But he shouted again, "Thirty or I won't come to that stupid party?" Then I feel hopeless.

I never thought Mr. Edward would give me a black maxi dress to wear for the party. I partner it with a not-so-high gold heels which belongs to Genna. Oh yes, I borrowed it from her. I just applied a powder, make a light blush on my face, a lipstick in caramel shade, and a waterproof mascara.

Then voila! I'm ready to go.

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