There was Alice

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There was Alice. Then there was everyone else. See Alice is special, talented, gifted...cursed. Alice is...

Alice P.O.V.

Everywhere I turn people are watching and waiting. Not for me of course, no one watches Alice, nor do they wait for her. But waiting for things to change to get better, to be better. Maybe someday things will be better... or maybe not.

6 years ago, I was 10 years old. 6 years ago this world was happy, people were happy. Yet those very same people fought so hard for control that they nearly destroyed that which they sought control of. They built machines of destruction, used gases that nearly destroyed everything and everyone. 6 years ago the gases leaked and the machines destroyed all technology. The world was pitched into complete darkness and millions died.

That's where I come in. I was 'made' in a lab by men who wished to make a better tomorrow, a tomorrow without disease or hunger where everyone was special. These scientists of sorts grafted cat DNA into that of a human specimen. There were 5 (me, Mike, Nora, Callum and Violet) of us kids all in a lab, we weren't caged or anything but life sucked anyways. Each day we would be tested against viruses, trained to be physically fit. In the end we were better than humans, faster, stronger, and smarter and basically superior, we couldn't fly... but we could jump really high and far. You'd have expected us to be a little snobby, everyday we were told how special and important we were, yet every one else was free, we weren't, that fact alone is extremely humbling.

When the world nearly ended, as you could imagine there was a state of chaos. The lab closed down seeing as there was no technology and they tried to kill us. Being part feline was useful, stronger survival instincts; I mean come on no one wants to die and neither did we. Instead we escaped, into the unknown.

The worst part of the escape is that we were separated.

I knew nothing outside the lab. I was alone, and no one noticed, why would they with the circumstances. And so for the past 6 years I had struggled to get through each day all the while searching for my siblings. I found out that Mike and Violet had been killed last year during a robbery. I had cried for days, they would have been 17.

Despite the world I now live in I have hope for tomorrow, hope for a happy... well an ok-ish ending and finding the others.

Maybe I would survive tomorrow on hope alone.


Here it is my very first ever story ever (yay!!!) so let me know how you like it by voting and commenting and ill upload as soon as I have more( which consider,ing I have never written any thing before may be a while but ill try)

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