Who Was That Guy?

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Sorry about the false update a while back I hit publish on accident. ^^; I really need more sleep but school is such a pain T^T

??? POV:

A group of 6 students could be seen making their way into one of the most busiest pubs in Hogsmade, The Three Broomsticks. 4 were dressed in Hogwarts robes, two from Gryffindor and the other two from Slytherin it seems. The final two students are from Salems I could tell even from across the street.

"Can we head inside yet?" one of the students in Gryffindor robes said.

'A witch?,' I mused, 'Now what about the others? I wonder if "she" is with them?'

Taking the book I was holding to the counter I quickly paid for the book and crossed the street into the poplar pub. Upon entering the building I was hit in the face with a warm gust of air as the door closed behind me, waving off the barmaid I slipped into the booth next to the group that I had spotted earlier.

"-then he walked through the door completely relaxed and BAM! the bucket fell bottom first on his head," a different female voice from earlier seemed to be telling a story, "Though that guy still bugs us I feel like he's scared that next time it wouldn't be a bucket of forever-color changing hair dye falling bottom first on him." The group share a laugh.

'Her voice is familiar in a way,' I leaned against the wall of the booth, closing my eyes and trying to focus on the conservation of the students in the booth to my right.

"Hello?" a new voice entered my ears, "Is my older brother in there by any chance?"

"Shut up and listen," I hissed out knowing that I could talk normally without the table next to us overhearing

"Hey that reminds me," one of the Hogwarts students said, "I heard Mimi humming on the way here," they shifted probably to look at the second female in the group, "what is that song called."

"You never heard of the Old Sorting Hat Song?!" the girl, Mimi, seemed truly shocked, "Almost every wizarding family sings it, well actually it's usually the mothers who sing it to their children. I mean I get that Hermione hasn't heard it yet because she's a muggleborn but aren't you a halfblood at least?"

"Come on she's right Zabini," a prideful voice said, "your mother does know the song right?"

"Yeah but she never sings it to me it's always to my little sister," Zabini answered, "She is younger than me by 8 years so of course she's the precious one. But enough about me, what about you Harry, I know Malfoy over here has his mummy sing it to him many times until he was 5, I believe, well that's what Pansy said."

'Malfoy?' I looked at my younger brother, "the Malfoys? Don't they have a son about "her" age?"

He nodded, "I saw his father at Gringotts the a few months back talking about how great his son Draco was." Nodding we both turned our attention back to the group of students.

"Shut up!" Draco snapped as the other students laughed at their friend(?) before "Harry" spoke up.

"Don't bother I always hear Mimi sing it in the common room whenever I forgot my book by the fireplace. Though I'm pretty sure you're already aware of me doing that." That last comment was directed at Mimi.

"No worries Mione I'll sing you that song later, when the boys aren't around m'kay?" The students paid and left the pub.

The song is pasted above.

"Two girls and 4 other guys," I mused, "I wonder who the 4th one was. He was awfully quiet wasn't he?"

"Mhm I feel like he's one of those wall flowers, don't you think?" I nodded at that, "Whelp I have somewhere to be," he stood up, "I've got to be in Romania to help Charlie with the Greenland Welsh and the Norwegian Ridgeback that they're bringing in tomorrow."

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