A New Home

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Disclaimer I don't own HP just this story.

Harry POV:

"Morning Misaki," I called out from my position in an arm chair in front of the fireplace as Misaki came out from her room rubbing her sleep from her eyes.

"Morning," she mumbled.

"Good morning you two ready for a fun filled day?" A lady said as she walked into to the room carrying a tray laden with breakfast for the both of us and Misaki immanently went on defensive mode.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"She looks like one of the witches that dad called to come beat some sense in to me as dad would put it," she whispered back.

"Oh don't worry dear my sister won't find you here," the older witch said as she handed me a mug of hot chocolate and held one out to Misaki.

Gingerly taking the cup she sat down across from me and we started to eat our breakfast. When we finished our meal the older witch said that she was going to tell Professor Uchinha to meet us here in 10 minutes. After she left Misaki disappeared into her room and so did I. Opening the closet I found a whole new wardrobe waiting for me. Quickly I chose a black hoodie, a gray shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Misaki POV:

Quietly closing the door I walked over to my walk closet and pulled out a black shirt, black leggings, a black streaked with silver short skirt, and black combat boots. After changing I looked at my reflection once again before grabbing a thin black sweater to and then I remembered my earrings that I put in my pocket before running out of my old home. Rushing over to my bed I lifted to pillow and opened the dark red wood box. Upon seeing the white gold earrings I clutched it to my chest and sank to the floor quietly sobbing.

Why, why did you have to leave me with him? I thought to myself as I stared at the last gift my mum had ever given me before leaving, "Why did you leave me Mum why?" I whispered as a tear drop fell on one of the emeralds that shone on one of my earrings.

Harry POV:

"Where is Misaki?" I asked out loud then looked at my watch that I got from Uncle Remus and we had 7 minutes before meeting Professor Uchinha, Hmm is she alright? I thought to myself. I have grown to like Misaki ever since I met her. Shaking my head I went over to knock on her door when I heard quiet sobs. Slowly I opened the door.

"why," I heard her whisper to herself.

"Hey you okay?" I asked softly and she looked up quickly with red eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine," she answered as she put whatever she was holding on the floor and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to the box next to her as I made my way over to the bed and sat down on the edge just as she stood up.

"It's that last gift my mother gave me before she disappeared," Misaki answered as she showed me what was inside. Inside the box sat a pair of beautiful silver possibly white gold earrings. There was a princess cut emerald and on each of the sides was one diamond so four diamonds per earring.

"They're lovely," I said as I stared at them then I looked up at her, "wait is your family Slytherin?" and she nodded so I continued, "not that I have anything against the Slytherin house it's just that I'm wondering why you're not wearing them that's all."

"I-I I just don't know why I never thought of wearing them it just reminds me of my mum-" she left the sentence hanging as fresh tears began to form in her dark brown eyes.

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