I Got Tagged

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Okay, so I'm tagged by W33dman to do 10 facts about myself. So if you're following me new or long time I will tag you guys/gals at random.

1). I'm a total Potterhead and PJo/Hoo fan since I was 10 I think but it's been 3 years deeming the fact that I'm 13 now

2). I'm a fangirl with random attacks so if I happen to have a fangirl attack I would act like I have ADHD unless I'm alone that would be when I would be jumping up and down saying: "OMG! OMG! OMG!"

2). I watch a lot of anime and read manga in my spare time (which is when I'm not updating) also bonus points to anyone who points out my references in my stories

3). People say I look mature for my age since someone thought I was 13 or 14 at age 11

4). I have a younger sibling that annoys the heck out of me

5). I may or may not buy the Cursed Child depending on my situation

6). I remember the birthdays of my favorite characters (if it was mentioned) such as July 31st is Harry Potter, August 18th is Percy Jackson,  so so forth (you guys would be here all day if I list anymore)

7). I have a quizup account if you want to challenge me but don't challenge me on the anime topic  suck big time

8). I'm about 5'1 and a total rebel

10). I love animals mostly pandas ^~^

11). I like to trick and prank people a lot so you should go back and read from #8 again. If you don't get it look at the numbers I skip #9

Okay that was 11 facts about me but who cares I'm a rebel.

So now the tags so if I tag any of you guys/girls please don't be mad at me:






Koalateddybear (Hetalia is life ~aru)





You have to do 10 facts about yourself in a separate chapter in one of your books and say that I tagged you in the beginning. Also tagged 10 people then hope that they won't hex, curse, or even send dementors after you if they do use magic who cares what the Ministry says we're protecting lives. So I'm going to ward the area to alert me if there are any dementors around.*can be seen waving wand behind back* Oh! and I forgot if you live in North America like me then you might have a chance to attend (I still have my fingers crossed about being accepted) just search up Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on google an you should see a link that goes to pottermore.com check it out it's really good.

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